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Why to Choose White Sea Salt over Himalayan Pink, Redmond or Celtic Sea Salt shares why I stopped buying or using pink salts, based on my doctor’s advice, scientific studies and how my body felt.
It also shares why, years later, I stopped using Celtic Sea Salt, and shockingly (even to me) started choosing refined white salt instead.
This article shares which white sea salts are safe, and which sea salts to avoid.
Lastly, it shares where to get a few key minerals, if not from the salt we eat.
The story of white sea salt becoming the hero
Years ago, I bought and used Himalayan salt, believing it to be mineral-rich and much better than table salt. Sea salt was what I had been using. I thought the two salts were interchangeable, and because so many people recommend Himalayan, I thought perhaps it was THE superior salt.
What happened next and what my doctor (read about him here and here) told me on the subject helped me to switch over to Celtic Sea Salt.
Finally, the doctor I found about five years ago helped me to understand the dangers of even Celtic and colored sea salts — reasons like lead, iron, aluminum, mercury and bromine.
Combined with recent lead, metal and mineral testing on various sea salts, we all have enough reasons to switch to white sea salt.
But doesn’t that leave us nutrient deficient?? No, and I’ll share why.
Why to Choose White Salt over Himalayan Pink
First, let’s tackle Himalayan or pink salts.
My experience with pink salt
Himalayan salt gave me headaches. When I asked my doctor about this, he simply nodded as if he expected that. “Yes”, he said, and then explained:
Himalayan salt, also called rock salt, is mined. It’s been compressed for millennia. Making sole (pronounced so’-lay) with Himalayan salt helps to some extent because the overnight soaking of the salt in water allows the salt to become digestible again.
In contrast, how long ago was Celtic Sea Salt wet? Very recently, right? In fact, it’s still wet.
And our bodies are made up mostly of water, right? Celtic Sea Salt assimilates really well into our bodies. Our bodies immediately digest it and use its minerals.
Not so with Himalayan, especially for those with sensitivities, like me.
Yet, is everyone better off with a good quality wet salt for the greatest quantity of trace minerals and the best possible assimilation of nutrients?
Too many minerals?!
I thought so, and so did my doctor at the time. However, as we’ll discuss below, not all of those trace minerals are good — and there’s still the issue of contamination.
While Himalayan salt may have some trace minerals, our bodies can’t access all of them.
And we now know, that’s not the modern goal when eating salt, even if it used to be one benefit.
Electrolytes in sea salt, and what’s wrong with pink salts continued …
I was having headaches when I used pink salt because of an imbalance of sodium and water in my body. (source) The salt’s limited minerals weren’t being absorbed, causing high sodium in my blood and a dilation of blood vessels; (our cells won’t let water in because they’re protecting their cell salt ratio, unless more minerals are going to replace the ones being washed out).
For a similar reason, table salt can cause headaches: Its dry state and mineral-deficient profile can make any mineral imbalance in the body more pronounced.
I used to think the body needed the minerals in sea salt for electrolytes to form, which in turn helps to maintain the right balance of fluids. (More on what I now know below …)
The Celtic Sea Salt creators say,
Trace elements are needed to assure and maintain proper function of the body’s systems. If any one of them is left out – or even just diminished – a link will be missing, and the whole organism will suffer. That is, if any of our internal oceans are shortchanged of trace nutrients, the body will lack the triggering bio-electrical impulses and mineral building blocks necessary to operate at full efficiency or to renew its cells properly. (source)
Interestingly, anyone who advocates for Himalayan salt but makes sole with it (read more about sole here), is living out this same truth. They are putting Himalayan salt into a form the body can use. I did use sole for many months myself, but I did not personally see a benefit. Even with soaking, it’s not the solution.
Note: Celtic Sea Salt’s trace mineral content is much higher than Himalayan’s at 7.5-23%. Himalayan salt has a trace mineral content of about 4%! (source, source and source)
And yet, as we’ll discuss, we don’t want or need all of Celtic Sea Salt’s minerals or contaminants.
Get off the pink salt bandwagon; it’s time
I wrote this article because MOST articles do not go into these details about Himalayan salt. There should be more caution and awareness surrounding it. It’s easy to get on health bandwagons, for friends to tell friends what is healthy, but we often do not have all of the information.
While I used to think Himalayan salt was a step up from standard table salt, I now know that neither provides the purity we need.
It is also noteworthy that despite the many health claims about Himalayan salt, there are no PubMed studies to support the claims. (source)
Sea salt’s minerals may improve blood pressure and kidney health. (source) How much better health benefits can we have when we target the minerals we really need and avoid the ones we don’t.
Why to Choose Clean White Salt over Himalayan Pink or Celtic Sea Salt: Contamination
One other factor to consider is the “Himalayan” salts that come from Pakistan or from higher sections of rock (not as deep). These Himalayan salts are common, sometimes sold more cheaply and contain impurities.
Fluoride contamination is the concern most often mentioned.
Understandably, one reason many people think Himalayan salt is superior is that it’s old, so it must be less contaminated. But, as we’ll discuss more, pink salt is not pure.
If you’d like to use Himalayan salt, perhaps you already have some in your pantry, you could make sole. But, in your shoes, I’d not make sole … I’d create some weed killer with it, and avoid eating it. ๐
Regarding lead contamination, pink salts vary, but start around 250 ppb Lead (Costco brand) and go much higher. As you’ll see below, this is way out of range for what’s safe.
Additionally, did you know? Rock salts were found to be higher in microplastics than sea salts or table salt. (source)
Celtic Sea Salt sourcing
Celtic Sea Salt is harvested in Brittany, France, near the Celtic Sea. Its visible grey color denotes its higher mineral content and the clay of the salt flats. The salt crystals cling together, due to their wetness.
I used to think Celtic Sea Salt was the best sea salt to buy.
Why to avoid Celtic sea salt
Enter doctor number two. And some new testing.
Sure, it may be true that Celtic Sea Salt has more bioavailable minerals.
BUT, what if some of those minerals are ones we don’t need, and our bodies don’t want!?
Yes, I introduce you to copper, manganese and lead, to name a few.
Copper and manganese are common in all unrefined sea salts, including Celtic. Almost exclusively eliminated by the body through the hepatobiliary system, copper and manganese intake lead to increased likelihood of toxicity and disease in the liver.
Why to Choose White Sea Salt over Himalayan Pink or Celtic Sea Salt: Lead poisoning
Regarding lead, a recent PubMed study tested eleven different kinds of gourmet salts. Lead (Pb) exceeded the maximum level in all samples!
Similarly, two websites recently sent samples of various sea salts to a lab to find their lead content. The findings: Most were contaminated with unsafe levels of lead and other heavy metals.
Celtic Sea Salt tested 626 ppb Lead! — much higher than most other salts tested.
How much lead is considered safe
Ideally, the salt we consume should be below 100 ppb Lead. But lower than 50 ppb is better.
Other salts to avoid: Redmond Real Salt is unsafe
Many people ask about Redmond Real Salt, but it tested very high in lead, too: 290 ppb. Avoid it.
We’re just about to talk about safe brands and why to buy white sea salt, plus the minerals we really need alongside white salt to address our electrolyte needs! …
Why are some minerals and elements in sea salts harmful
As one study shares, “… due to the daily consumption of table salt, any contamination in salt even at a low level could create health risks to the consumers”.
Let’s list a few harmful components commonly found in sea salt. Just in case you’re still wondering: What’s so bad about sea salts?:
- bromine — Commonly found in sea salts, this chemical element interferes with proper thyroid function.
- iron — In the 2023 PubMed study, Persian Blue and Atlantic Grey salts showed unsafe levels of iron. While iron can be helpful for some conditions, it is not a mineral we want to take in unknowingly. Just as we can be too low in iron, we can quickly have levels that are too high.
- lead, mercury and aluminum — The toxicity of lead exposure, mercury toxicity and chronic aluminum toxicity are undeniable.
- copper — Commonly misunderstood, many health ailments link back to copper toxicity, including EMF sensitivity. Most people already have too much copper in their bodies. We certainly do not want more in our salt.
The same study mentioned above continues: “The main reason for the accumulation in gourmet table salts of potentially toxic and toxic mineral elements including aluminum (Al), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni), and others can be associated with the contamination of collection sites”.
Chart showing toxic levels found in sea salts
In the following chart (source), we see toxic levels of various mineral elements in various sea salts that are frightening. We see that some salts have toxic levels of mercury.
Who knew that a gourmet colored salt could be so dangerous?
We also see toxic levels of aluminum, calcium, chromium, copper, lead, manganese and nickel.
Even zinc, while a most valuable mineral for most of us, should not be taken unmeasured, as it can certainly cause imbalance.
Avoid black salt, red salt, grey salt, blue salt …
As the table above shows, all of these colored salts had toxic amounts of certain minerals in them.
The study notes (emphases mine):
- “Significant levels of aluminum were found in almost all the salts analyzed.”
- “Copper is present in very high concentrations … the production and marketing of table salt stipulates that the copper content of this matrix must not exceed 2 mg/Kg. As a result of this legislation, all the samples analyzed were well above this legal limit.”
- Regarding lead, “… our samples always exceeded the maximum permitted levels“.
Why is white sea salt better, plus which brands are safe
Not all white sea salts are free of contaminants. Some still contain lead, for example.
I’m excited to share that Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt is the main salt I buy now. It tested lowest in all heavy metals, with Non-detectable levels. I love the flavor, that it’s very affordable, and that it comes in bulk.
Jacobsen’s Oregon salt is also a good choice, but be sure to choose the one from Oregon, as their Italian product came back positive (high) in lead. Jacobsen’s Oregon salt wasn’t quite as low as Diamond in the heavy metals other than lead, and it’s very expensive.
Yes, these are white salts, so let’s talk about why that’s GOOD.
And, what to do about the minerals we still need.
Why is white sea salt the best (only certain brands!)
“Clean” white sea salt is sodium chloride, a necessary mineral.
Sodium maintains the proper volume of plasma in extracellular fluid, which ultimately affects cardiovascular health. (source)
Sodium and chloride ions also play key roles in the nervous and digestive systems.
In addition to sodium, our bodies only need about 20 minerals total. That means that all other minerals are not helpful to the human body.
Which brands of white sea salt are the best
To review, here are the brands of white sea salt that are very low in lead and considered the safest:
- Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt is the new winner in salts: I love that it’s inexpensive, has a fabulous flavor, and I can buy it in bulk. ND levels of lead and all other heavy metals.
- Jacobsen Salt Co. from Oregon — This product has a very low lead count (25 ppb) and is also low in other contaminants, including microplastics. Do not choose their pink salt or Italian product.
- Saltverk Flaky Sea Salt is also very low in lead (30 ppb), and is hand-harvested sustainably. It’s an excellent finishing salt, used at the table.
Avoid white sea salts with extra ingredients
The ingredient list on your white sea salt should list only sea salt or sodium chloride. But really, after writing/reading this article, I will only buy these brands:
- Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt (lowest in all toxins/heavy metals, and by far the cheapest!)
- Jacobsen Salt Co. from Oregon
- Saltverk Flaky Sea Salt
(Most of the white sea salts tested still had toxic levels of lead.)
But if you don’t, and you pick up a white sea salt at the grocery store, be sure to check the ingredients!
Because many contain added: potassium iodide, anti-caking agents, drying agents and other ingredients we don’t want.
The other minerals most people need
We all need sodium.
What are the other “minerals” or “trace minerals” we so often hear about? Which ones do we really need?
We really need:
- potassium
- magnesium
- selenium
- molybdenum and
- zinc
I take each of these as supplements. (And I take very few other supplements!) It can be tricky to figure out your unique dosage needs for each mineral.
Mineral testing can be helpful.
For many, starting doses look similar to:
- 300 to 500 mg magnesium (This brand. Mg can also be added in topically with this lotion, which I use in addition to oral Mg.)
- 150 mcg selenium (I use this brand and alternate days: 100 mcg and 200 mcg to overall get 150 daily, as suggested by my doctor.)
- 150 mcg molybdenum (I use this brand.)
- 15 to 30 mg zinc (I use this brand.)
Potassium dosing is hardest and highly individual. I started with 1/8 teaspoon of this bulk Potassium Chloride (stirred into a glass of water) and increased over time to find my dose. I am working on another article about potassium for those of you interested.
Potassium Salt is another great and gentle way to increase potassium in one’s diet.
Why not buy table salt
Table salt is highly refined, being heated to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit in the manufacturing process.
More importantly: Up to 18 food additives are allowed to be added to table salt, none of which is healthful or natural.
By avoiding table salt, we are avoiding MSG, anti-caking agents and aluminum derivatives, to name a few.
Table salt has been linked to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and many other health conditions.
Avoid processed foods
Processed foods contain table salt. This is one more reason to avoid all processed foods; instead make real, homemade food, from whole ingredients.
There are many recipes available that cook up quickly! It’s easy to have a big salad for dinner with some sautรฉed fish or a grilled burger. Choose sourdough bread, rice or potato on the side for carbs. All of these are easy to make.
Take the extra ten minutes to give your body what it needs: quality white sea salt, no vegetable oils and real food.
More benefits of sea salt
I wrote here about sea salt air and sea water and how they helped my body recover on a vacation to the Bahamas.
Even though we need to be cautious when ingesting sea salts, I am not afraid of the ocean. It is still a wonderful healing space that provides grounding and other benefits.
Other cautions with various sea salts
One study shows fungi in sea salt. The amount of fungi were incredibly low (and considered “normal” and safe compared with other foods we regularly ingest); but when preserving with sea salt it is possible for this quantity to increase.
To avoid fungi and mycotoxin producers, do ferments that include probiotics, or be sure to use one of the two white sea salts recommended.
Why to Choose White Sea Salt over Himalayan Pink or Celtic Sea Salt : Final thoughts
When we eat salt, we should be getting clean sodium chloride for:
- adding flavor to our foods
- providing sodium to our bodies, as a needed electrolyte
- and then … we need to supplement with a few other key minerals.
If you need to cut back on sodium for any reason, the best approach is to make Potassium Salt! This recipe increases a very necessary mineral for most people (potassium), while significantly decreasing sodium intake.
These three brands of white salt are considered the safest:
You can Pin Why to Choose White Sea Salt over Himalayan Pink or Celtic Sea Salt here:
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Beverly Howe says
Good information. I mostly use Himalayan salt and have never heard anything negative about it. I also have Celtic sea salt but rarely use it. Will start using it more now. My concern is that our oceans are so polluted with plastic and other pollutants. Itโs got to have an effect on anything derived from the sea.
Megan says
Hi Beverly, yes, a good and valid point. This article was just updated as of 8/2024 and now addresses this issue, with a totally different recommendation than the original article. The first 50 comments below will not reflect the updates.
joan weiss says
Agree…good question.
Cristina Maria Curp says
HMmmm super interesting. I’ve been using pink himalayan salt for a while and love it… but also use Hawaiian sea salt with clay in it.. will have to add celtic to my pantry!
Megan Stevens says
Great Cristina!
Angela Strohm says
Where do you buy this?
Megan says
Hi Angela, here it is: https://amzn.to/3IWrhiy
R. W. says
Be careful with the Himalayan salt. After my feet and ankles started swelling I stopped using it and the swelling has stopped.
ChihYu says
I have to check celtic sea salt now since I don’t have it at home. Thanks for sharing !
Megan Stevens says
You’re welcome.
Darryl Edwards says
I had no idea about the nutrient differences between Celtic and Himalayan sea salt! Thanks for providing so much information on this topic.
Megan Stevens says
You’re welcome. Thanks, Darryl! ๐
Marge . Cantu says
Dr. David Brownstein, M. D. from the Center for Holistic Medicine wrote a book on Salt which compares the differences between different unrefined sales.
Georgie says
Such an amazing article. I use Celtic sea salt a lot but didn’t actually know that it had a higher mineral concentration! I love to use both because they have such different tastes ๐
Megan Stevens says
They really do, Georgie, so true. If it’s just for taste, I really love Murray River Flake Salt!! ๐
Stacey Crawford says
I use the Redmond Real Salt and sometimes I get Celtic Salt as well. I have some Himalayan salt but rarely use it as it almost rock salt size. What a great informative article!
Megan Stevens says
Yes, it’s nice how readily available Redmond Real Salt is, and affordable.
Melissa @RealNutritiousLiving says
You are so wise! I love Celtic myself!
Megan Stevens says
Thanks, Melissa! ๐ xo
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish says
Thanks for providing us with so much info. I always appreciate your insight on wellness and health stuff. I used Celtic for many years and love it! I still recommend it as a favorite sea salt. Due to mold exposure I had to switch to Himalayan, as it was recommended for my family as the best for those with a history of toxic mold. I still think so highly of Celtic though, not only does it taste great, it’s also so great nutrition-wise!
Megan Stevens says
That sounds wise, Emily. There are certainly many considerations. I appreciated reading the study on sea salts and fungi found in them. I do take DE daily and believe it’s one of the main reasons I was able to overcome my pathogen issues. Our microbiome are the first thing to attend to when addressing health issues. I’m so glad you’ve had such great counsel with overcoming mold issues!!
Kitty says
I did not know about Celtic sea salt… Now Iโm intrigued! Thank you so much! I really liked the references to the studies done on the topic.
Kari Peters says
Celtic sea salt is my favorite salt, but I do buy some Himalayan too, such a great breakdown!
Megan Stevens says
Thanks, Kari!
Susannah Shmurak says
Really interesting, Megan! Never heard this before. What are your thoughts on “Real Salt,” which I see recommended a lot? Same issues as Himalayan because it’s mined? Also wondering about how different brands do with microplastic contamination, a sadly widespread issue with sea salt.
Megan Stevens says
Ha, love your questions, Susannah, because you hit on all the remaining issues!! Yes, I do think Redmond Real Salt is a good product. I still think French sea salt is the best, but Redmond’s product is a good one! Regarding microplastic contamination in sea salts, I mentioned it a bit in the article, but it’s indeed controversial. There will always be opinions that favor rock salt for that reason. From what I researched and concluded for us, I trust that the French seas are still safe. The quote above mentions the ocean as a living brine, teaming with algae and microorganisms that help to clean the ocean and balance pollution. As long as ocean waters are relatively pristine (not heavily polluted), I believe this holds true. As you say, the issue is widespread, so I can’t vouch for the complete perfection of French sea salt today compared with sea salt 200 years ago. But in the context of having to choose the best from among our options, I believe French sea salt has the most benefits in its/our favor: clean water, completely bioavailable and mineral rich. (I think it’s fascinating that French cheese is also the only cheese I can eat worldwide, unless made on a local farm where I know their husbandry principles. The French seem to genuinely take care of their resources better than many cultures. In the case of dairy, they are using A2 cows and keeping them grass-fed. In most other parts of the world, one aspect of the dairy industry suffers, if not both: A1 cows or feed instead of grass.) Thankfully our bodies can filter some pollution, but the goal for all of us, of course, is to reduce that threshold wherever we can.
Hendrica says
What about plastic contamination in sea salt? Since our oceans are full of plastic, any salt made by dehydration of sea water will contain plastic particles. This article mentions several studies: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/sep/08/sea-salt-around-world-contaminated-by-plastic-studies
Megan says
Hi Hendrica, this is a great question. Personally, I believe this issue points to our need to support detox pathways. We can’t escape the plastics in our environment, unfortunately. (Although we can reduce our personal use and purchase of plastics!) I believe we need to sweat, use saunas, be pooping twice daily, take certain individual B vitamins, consider using DE/activated charcoal and several other steps to support detoxification. Personally I take a nano particle zeolite (found here, you have to click the Shop Now button: https://meganstevens.mycoseva.com) which crosses the blood brain barrier.
Laurel Adams says
How many drops of concetrace (sp?) do you use for each glass of water? Does drinking a glass of water with minerals disturb the MMC (migrating motor complex)?
Megan says
I used to use mineral drops, but I have stopped because they contain minerals like boron that we can get too much of. I now prefer making my own mineral combo and taking soil minerals. While I can’t find studies on the use of soil or liquid minerals and the MMC, I can say my own opinion which is the more we get back to eating Traditional diets, in this case mimicking the soil minerals that our water should and did have, the closer we are to healing our gut-brain ailments. I believe minerals to aid the body’s pathways and functions. Here’s my article on that topic: https://eatbeautiful.net/why-take-fulvic-acid-minerals/
Lea says
Wow. This is super good info. So…do you think Real Salt is better than Himalayan? We try to have staples stockpiled and was about to buy a large bag of salt, certainly canโt do it with the Celtic, but maybe either Real Salt or Himalayan…..?
Megan says
Great question. Yes, Real Salt is a good option for sure.
Emma says
Really interesting an eye opening. I had switched from Cornish (a form of Celtic salt) sea salt to Himalayan salt to increase the range of minerals and to avoid the contamination from the sea.
I live in England and visit Northern France regularly and I am afraid to tell you that the sea is pretty polluted there too. In fact tests were done on mussels in the region and every single one came back positive for toxic plastics. The Mediterranean in southern France is one of the most polluted in the world and I certainly wouldn’t swim in it or eat anything out of it.
So sad that this is the world today, just don’t know what is the best option.
Megan says
Thanks for your comment and insights Emma! I now take nano-particle zeolite spray to help detox plastics, even from the brain: https://meganstevens.mycoseva.com …because sadly, we can’t escape them in our modern world.
Denise Fiebig says
My doctor has told me for many years to use celtic sea salt. I used it sparingly in food. Recently I was having anxiety, sleep problems and heart palpitations. Started regularly adding it to my water and all my symptoms have disappeared. I have more energy and sleep like a baby. Celtic sea salt has given me my life back. I love it!!!
peter mckenzie says
Megan – such a depth of understanding of salt – things I never contemplated – where did you get your PhD in Salt
The calming effect of magnesium from sea salt – So simple
Lynn Rous says
How much do you put in your water of the Sea salt! I have very low iodine levels and need to get them up! Donโt want to over do it
Iris Hotakainen says
My husband has trouble keeping sodium level up, which is better Celtic or Himalayan?
Megan says
Hi Iris, our bodies can absorb the sodium and other nutrients better from Celtic sea salt. Additionally, according to the USDA, one-quarter teaspoon serving of Celtic Sea Salt provides 480 milligrams of sodium whereas according to the USDA, one-quarter teaspoon serving of Himalayan pink salt provides 420 milligrams of sodium. Thanks for the great question and best wishes.
Jean says
I have been using himalayan pink salt exclusively for a few years now, and I have been struggling with edema and terrible swelling in my feet and ankles. I eat very healthy and have tried eliminating so many things trying to figure out the cause of this. I am also in good shape and very active which helps with the edema, but only short term. I am going to switch to Celtic Sea Salt but was wondering if you think the exclusive use of himalayan salt could be the cause of this. If so, how long after switching over do you think it will take to see a difference. Thanks!
Judy Thompson says
Thank you for this great article. My brother sent me an article touting Himalayan salt, and I’ve used Celtic salt for a dozen years since I first read Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions. I was thrilled to find your article to send back to him!
Megan says
I’m so glad Judy. Thank you for your comment! ๐
Jojo says
Hi. I was wondering if I should give the Celtic salt a quick rinse before making Sole? My first batch looks mucky and there is a slimy looking layer floating on top.
Megan says
Hi Jojo, you can certainly try that. I haven’t made sole with Celtic salt before, only mined/Himalayan salt, because Celtic’s minerals are already available to the body.
Brenda says
What about using Celtic Salt as a soak in your bath?
Megan says
Yes, this would be great in a detox bath; the only issue is the cost, as Celtic salt is more expensive. I like to use Dead Sea Salt, magnesium salt, epsom salt or mineral salts in my baths. (https://eatbeautiful.net/2015/01/18/take-detox-bath-k-taking-baths/)
Jennifer Parker-Kienutske says
The ONLY salt I ever use!
I canโt stand the taste of anything else any more. Regular manufactured table salt tastes like chemicals to me since I switched to natural salt, Himalayan tastes very harsh to me since I switched to Celtic Sea Salt.
I have MS, IBS, Hashimotos, and other auto immune related issues.
I was depressed and couch bound for months. Finally got into a marvelous holistic MD and slowly but surely got my life back.
I feel lucky to live in Michigan and have access to the same practice as you. My MD is Dr Ng and I canโt thank him enough!
Ange La says
How much do you take? Iโm having a hard time finding dosage info. Thanks
Kent Teller says
I use both and have for years but I didnโt notice any โhonestyโ about traces of lead and mercury found in tests of Celtic. Almost no level of mercury is considered safe.
brian says
hi,what about all the radiation in the seas now ,could celtic salt be iradiated if taken from to near the top
Megan says
Hi Brian, it seems longer-lived radioactive elements have a half life of 30 years, so it may be best to use a salt like Redmond’s Real Salt until that time, based on the 2011 Fukushima disaster time frame.
Elle says
Hi! Loved this article! So enlightening and helpful!
Was wondering if you could provide a recommendation on the healthiest type of celtic salt to use. Regular (whether fine ground or coarse) or the light grey variety. I’m not sure which one to buy.
Megan says
Hi Elle, I like the Celtic Sea Salt brand, this one: https://amzn.to/3ukY1LO (I like both the fine and course grinds, depending.) So glad the article was helpful! ๐
Naomi says
After reading this article I purchased some Celtic salt and have been using it exclusively. However, I’m now hearing about a salt that is even better! It’s called Baja Gold, and it’s even lower in sodium and chloride than Celtic (28% sodium, 49.8% chloride). I’m being advised to strictly lower my salt usage by my doctors because of my hepatic portal hypertension which is causing a varices problem; but, having also read the book you mentioned am hesitant to do that. I am hoping that using a salt with the lowest sodium and chloride content will be helpful. So have you heard about Baja Gold and what are your thoughts about it? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07G21W99F/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_7?smid=A3F1AJXJL2C472&psc=1
Megan says
Hi Naomi, great question. My concern with the Baja product is that you get less sodium but more minerals, some of which the body does not need more of, and also more pollution. What I’ve started doing instead is using part Potassium Chloride to make potassium salt. You could use refined sea salt or Celtic, combined at whatever ratio you choose with the potassium. Here is that recipe and an article on the topic that’s hopefully helpful: https://eatbeautiful.net/homemade-lite-salt-salt-substitute-recipe-morton-copycat-salt-potassium/
Allie says
Hey Megan! I wanted to show you this article which just came out: https://tamararubin.com/2024/06/selina-naturally-celtic-salt-has-extremely-high-levels-of-lead-and-should-not-be-consumed-laboratory-test-report-here/?fbclid=IwY2xjawDu0HNleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHdMM-Au8q4bt1V7D22nDpY6DYY17_lzrth63aaVtgC0UAxGsEKGtK2PoeQ_aem_FSiYR6A1LFXhZPgk4C4s5w
Megan says
Hi Allie, thank you!! I’m sorry for the long delay in responding. I am finally, this week, republishing this article with changes accordingly. I’ve been meaning to even prior to the article’s release, but now I’m grateful for the additional information! Thank you again! ๐
Lisa says
Hi Megan,
I know you canโt vet every brand out there . . . but Iโve been ordering a 50 pound bag of sea salt from Azure Standard (big family, big eaters, lots of homemade food) with the ingredients labeled as โsea salt from the Pacific Ocean, magnesium carbonate (improves caking resistance and flowability)โ. What are your thoughts about that? Buying bulk is necessary for us and the recommended brands feel pricey. Iโm afraid of what youโll say.
Megan says
Hi Lisa, I sure understand the budget issue. I was buying refined white sea salt in bulk (to save money) and combining it with my potassium to make the Potassium Salt I use, and thought it was safe salt because it was white refined sea salt. The Jacobsen salt I link to is .26 an ounce (about $7 for an almost 2 lb canister). I see your Azure product. It is .62 pound when you buy the 50 lb bulk bag — a big difference!! The Mg ingredient is not a problem, so that’s good. You could try to contact Azure and ask them about lead levels, but my suspicion is that their level of detection is not low enough. Based on how hard Jacobsen works at their purity, my other guess is that the Azure product would not be considered pure from lead contamination since it is just bulk sea salt from the Pacific Ocean with no specific information about its refinement process. (Sorry!)
Judy Good says
Many people do not know…but ***ALL** salt… regardless of where is it sourced from – by law, has to have an assay analysis report done. All one has to do is ASK FOR IT, from whatever brand of salt one is looking into buying (one must request it…and wait for replies, which is not always easy and CAN that some time to receive…but they will supply the report) , to find ALL the contaminates and heavy metals… not just lead. I personally use Sal de Maras form the Scared Valley of Cusco, Peru. It is hand harvested during the summer months from the salt terraces that the Incas created and harvested their salt from… and is considered a wet salt obviously. The assay report is clean. BUT… there are cheaper knock offs from the same region that are ROCK salts mined from the mountains around that region of Peru – assay reports show those have high levels of heavy metal and contaminates (as many mined ROCK salts do). So one has to pay attention to what one is buying. Just my thoughts.
Megan says
Hi Judy, thanks for your comments and concerns. Just to clarify for all readers, companies are not required to test down to an appropriate low threshold of detection, unfortunately. (Ideally, all salt reports for lead would be given in whole ppb numbers, to a low threshold of detection of 25 ppb or lower). And, not all companies respond to inquiries for the lab results. In fact, many companies either refuse to provide the data (example: Trader Joe’s) or they do not respond to email requests for the data (example: Hain Sea Salt). I have not seen the report for Sal de Maras salt, but their data does share the salt is a good source of iron and trace minerals, so it would be helpful to see the report to know what the levels of various minerals are and to see what level of detection they are paying to see.
Lisa says
Would you suggest White Sea salt in your electrolyte mixture instead of Celtic sea salt?
Megan says
Yes, now I would, and I’ll be updating the electrolyte post accordingly. ๐
Rebecca Turner says
So I guess you don’t recommend the Kirkland brand sea salt? I know Dr. Smith has recommended it in the past.
Megan says
Hi Rebecca, yes, he did, and I think he’d say now (after seeing the lead testing) it’s the lesser of two evils, not as bad as many others, but it’s not very good either. It’s higher than I’d feel comfortable feeding my family on a daily basis.
Migdalia says
What about Baja Gold Sea Salt? What do you know about it? Thanks
Megan says
Hi Migdalia, happy to help. The fact that it’s unrefined and from Mexico (both factors) means it has contaminants, both toxins and minerals we don’t want. What we want is a refined salt, so the toxins and minerals we don’t want have been removed. Then we need lead testing to be sure the salt is lead-free. And then we can add back into our diets the minerals we really need, like potassium, molybdenum and zinc (which is highly personal) etc. I now only buy Jacobsen’s for my general salt needs, which is only 26 cents an ounce with this link. I also buy (a tested) more expensive finishing salt for the table. ๐