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The Best EMF Protection does more than block Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) waves. This new technology instead neutralizes the chaotic energy caused by EMFs and in testing shows incredible effectiveness: balancing that restores normal cell health and even the prevention of mold growth.
For years, I used EMF blockers (more on these below), but my symptoms never got better overall (the blockers did help me get by!).
Recently, I discovered a product that instead of blocking EMFs actually changes and neutralizes them. Since that time, my tolerance to exposure has improved so much, AND my actual health challenges (which include copper toxicity) have improved SO much.
I can now work on my computer, touch EMF devices and get my daily work done without symptoms. To have regained this freedom and convenience is so helpful amidst a busy life.
Your health challenges are likely quite different! Or perhaps you just know that you need EMF remediation. I’m excited to share more with you …
What are EMFs
This article discusses protection from EMFs, “Electromagnetic Frequencies”, which are more accurately called “Electromagnetic Radiation” (or EMRs).
For the purposes of this article and what we’re used to hearing about, I’ll continue to refer to them as EMFs.
Sources of EMFs
EMFs come from huge amounts of low frequency man-made electromagnetic radiation. Sources include: cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, “Smart Meters”, SCADA Poles, high voltage power lines (above and below ground) and electrical appliances. They also come from higher frequency Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cell towers and satellites.
Over 10,000 scientific papers and studies exist proving the dangers of EMFs. A few of these I’ll list here: 1 (over 2000 studies), 2, 3 (thousands of studies), 4, 5 (the Archives section contains studies).
What’s wrong with EMF blocking
EMF blocking is wonderful technology that improved my symptoms (enough to allow me to work and make limited phone calls) and helped me for years. I felt about 85% protected from the powerful EMFs that otherwise gave me crippling hand, wrist and neck pain (while working on my computer).
I used Defender Shield’s products (more about their technology here).
Their data says, “Modern science knows of no other way of shielding this broad spectrum range of radiation from devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones, without utilizing a multi-layer solution to block both ELF and higher frequency RF emissions like 5G.”
That’s not true anymore.
What products are made for remediation
EMF Solutions now makes incomparable EMF remediation products for cell phones, wireless devices, entire homes, offices, cars and for the body.
Inexpensive products
(These are great!!, but keep in mind, you do have to spend the $79 minimum to get 5% 0ff.)
The first device I purchased for myself is the protector I wear on my wrist. It’s what allowed me to start typing on my computer again without an EMF blocking glove.
I have a friend who puts what I wear on my wrist into her bra; she finds it more convenient there. So you can put it anywhere, even in a pocket. But it comes with a strap for your wrist, and looks a lot like an Apple wristwatch.
I think this is a great product to start with if you want just one inexpensive product.
But there are other great ones to choose, too, like the devices for your computer or phone.
They even make a protective device for under your mattress! So great for safe and truly restorative rest, with many testimonies from customers with improved sleep.
To get the 5% off, consider choosing two inexpensive products, both of which you want, to save money.
What’s the best way to buy EMF Solutions devices
I purchased mine through a lovely representative named Sara Viau. She doesn’t charge extra to work with her, and she’s certified with EMF Solutions to help those interested find which devices they need most. She does not up-sell (try to get you to buy or buy more) at all!
So, she’s easy to work with, and it’s helpful to kind of have a friend walk you through the whys and whats.
Discount code
If you work with Sara, she gave me a discount code (of 5% off) for my readers. Use code BEAUTIFUL when you check out on her website. Orders under $79 still receive free shipping but not the additional 5% off discount. (Note: My discount code will not work on the main EMF Solutions website. Sara’s base price on all products is the same, but the code gets you the discount.)
Sara Viau is a Double Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified EMF Specialist, and Independent Certified Representative of EMF Solutions. She conducts hundreds of EMF consultations per year and provides EMF Solutions products to people worldwide.
To schedule a complimentary phone or zoom assessment with Sara Viau call 772-333-9046 or email: [email protected].
See more about purchasing and using the discount code at the bottom of this article. See installation instructions here.
What happened after I switched to EMF Solutions products
Personal testimonies are additional scientific proof, as they function as informal studies.
I have seen profound health improvements and about a 98% reduction of symptoms since I began using my band (the personal device I wear on my wrist), computer and phone devices.
The next purchases I’m talking to Sara about are the (big purchase) Home Harmonizer and the Better ZZZs.
The three devices I started with worked gradually. I saw big immediate improvement, but the reduced copper conductivity in my body must have allowed a lot of healing to occur additionally over time. I can hold my phone and use my computer with much more freedom now than when I first started using the EMF Solutions products. (However, I still choose to limit my contact with EMF devices, and I still use a keyboard [instead of typing directly on my laptop] and the Speaker feature on my phone to limit exposure as much as possible.)
As my body continues its detoxing of copper, through a reduced copper diet, I expect to have completely restored functionality and no symptoms.
Allows the body to restore proper function
The fact that my EMF Solutions devices not only help to protect me from EMFs (or the chaos they cause in the solid materials around me) BUT also have helped my body to detox copper better by stopping the terrible cycle of conductivity that was happening is awesome!
I have also seen my body’s improved detox abilities since improving my cellular health.
Go slowly, be aware of detox symptoms
You can read hundreds of others’ testimonies here. Be aware that some of these products can cause noticeable detox symptoms, so it can be good to start slowly and not implement everything at once.
Even the Better ZZZs product may cause some detox before better sleep happens.
Sara can help you choose products in a way that will reduce or prevent detox symptoms.
The science: A field that harmonizes EMF chaos
From Sara‘s website, “Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) waves are produced by the motion of electrically charged particles, or photons, which are quantum energy particles traveling at the speed of light in a wave form. These waves are also called “Electromagnetic Radiation” (EMR) because they radiate from the electrically charged particles.
EMFs create a secondary form of energy which EMF Solutions calls ‘subatomic chaos.’ This subatomic chaos can be likened to static electricity or friction. When subatomic chaos is in our environment, the electrical systems in the body and cells are impacted.”
The science behind EMF Solutions’ products …
A biochemist named Dr. Martin Pall PhD, and his associates, found how EMFs damage our bodies: It’s through the activation of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (or VGCCS) in the plasma membrane of cells. Dr Pall details that all of the common EMF symptoms can be explained by this malfunction. The compromise of Calcium Channels occurs in nearly every cell of our bodies. (sources 1, 2)
When large amounts of intracellular calcium (CA2+) are produced, free radicals and oxidative stress are produced.
EMF Solutions took Pall’s research and applied it to protection
EMF Solutions took Pall’s findings and became the first (and still only) to discover how to harmonize the subatomic chaos after it is absorbed by solid material (our houses, beds, floors, chairs etc).
Once solid materials absorb the EMFs and create chaotic energy, damage ensues in our bodies through exposure: DNA damage, free radical damage, depolarization (“+” charged) cells, and more.
EMF Solutions target the chaos
Interestingly, EMF products do not address the EMFs directly. Instead, they work by targeting the disorder. This could be compared to calming a stormy sea, so a boat can sail safely on it.
Earth-based minerals which produce a strong paramagnetic field recalibrate the chaotic energy to create a structured wavelength that’s healthy and natural.
For those wearing personal protection (like the wrist band I wear), the harmonizing paramagnetic components automatically attract to surrounding or nearby EMF chaotic energy that is affecting the human biofield and body!
The EMFs themselves do not need to be tackled.
It’s a pretty genius approach!
Keep in mind, if EMF Solutions products tried to change the EMFs themselves or block them, then none of our devices would work!
No other company understands EMFs as well, or the root cause of the damage that ensues.
What materials are used
EMF Solutions uses a proprietary blend of rocks and crystals (less than 2% of the material they test is effective to harmonize the EMF chaos they alter) on which they have a patent pending.
PROOF and Testing on these products
EMF Solutions states, “Every person does not have every symptom from EMF exposure, but it appears that EVERYONE has Cellular changes and Calcium Channel malfunctions. And EMF Solutions is the only place to have an Independent Lab show this problem is fixed!”
Independent studies
Independent studies show that cellular calcium levels are normalized around household EMFs when EMF Solutions devices are used.
The doctor who performed the independent studies, Dr Mazivita Maziveyi, has 18 Publications and 842 citations (other scientists referring to or quoting her work). She performed two studies wherein she measured calcium levels in thousands of cells and got the highest results possible — restoration of cell health and the best EMF protection.
Strongly impedes mold growth!
Interestingly, mold grows faster when exposed to EMFs.
Some of the more fun and visual tests where you can see the EMF Solutions products working show the complete deterrence of mold growth. Sliced bread that’s exposed to an EMF source AND accompanied by an EMF Solutions product grows no visible mold (in one case for 30 days!!).
The video contrasts this with bread that’s exposed to EMFs for a short period of time, and gets very moldy, without an EMF Solutions device! These tests have been repeated many times, and EMF Solutions devices always impede mold growth.
Imagine the ramifications of this for those of you struggling with mold allergies — one of the hardest health challenges to overcome. Or those of you who find mold in your homes or want to prevent it!
If I had mold challenges, the first thing I’d do is invest in the EMF Solutions Home Harmonizer, and talk to Sara about how to gently incorporate all of their recommended products. (She has a helpful assessment for different people and homes.)
While the mold application of these products needs more testing, the products’ effects on (or deterrence of) black mold I would expect to be hopeful and groundbreaking.
Muscle testing results
Furthermore, muscle testing with practitioners has also shown almost 100% remediation. EMF blockers don’t even get close to that kind of success.
Symptoms that may be improved with EMF Solutions remediation
Various symptoms overcome by users include:
- rashes, eczema
- insomnia, headaches
- tingling in extremities
- aches and pains, tension
- mood, mental health issues
- low energy
- breathing issues
- chronic fatigue
- significant improvement for Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and fibromyalgia
- cramps
- hyperactivity
- nausea
- undiagnosed symptoms
The company does not make claims of healing in any way, but these are actual testimonies from customers.
Given the effects of EMFs shown in studies, it stands to reason that many other issues can be prevented or improved through remediation. I won’t list these, in order to prevent making claims. But it’s hard to imagine a state or disease that wouldn’t see improvement or reversal when cellular health is restored and detox pathways improved.
One study lists several conditions affected by EMFs, including their effects on autism, Alzheimer’s and low sperm count. So these are three of many that may see improvement with the use of EMF Solutions products.
Health crises financial assistance
EMF Solutions is committed to helping customers. They even help to provide financial assistance to those in the midst of a health crisis! Amazing. If this is you, email them, and put “Financial Assistance Request” in the Subject Line.
What is a Home Harmonizer
In terms of the most important device to choose or save for, it’s the Home Harmonizer.
This product remediates the EMFs coming from outside our homes such as Cell Towers, 5G Satellites, power lines, Smart Meters, SCADA Poles, neighbors’ WI-Fis and more.
It also protects us from weaker EMF emitting devices, like lights and basic electronics.
More protective devices needed for the best EMF protection
Depending on budget, you can buy everything you need at once (and save by buying them at the same time), or just pick and choose as budget allows.
Other sources of EMFs that should have a protective device on them include: all rotating motor devices used to move air, such as fans, air purifiers and A/C units. These are big movers of EMFs, so it’s important they each have their own device.
In addition to all forms of phones and computers, it’s important to use device chips on: Wi-Fi routers, gaming stations, and Bluetooth baby monitors.
How do I purchase EMF Solutions products using Megan Stevens’ BEAUTIFUL discount code?
Anyone who learns about EMF Solutions products through Eat Beautiful can use the discount code. Use code BEAUTIFUL for 5% off your EMF Solutions product order of $79 or more, and free shipping! IMPORTANT: This discount code is only valid on Sara Viau’s website.
To locate EMF Solutions products from her home page, select “More” then “Shop EMF Remediation.” You may also use the direct link.
Product orders placed on emfsol.com are not eligible for the BEAUTIFUL discount code. If you apply for a Free Home Test on emfsol.com you will be assigned to a different EMF Solutions representative. The BEAUTIFUL discount code will not be valid for use on your product order. If you would like to utilize the complimentary Self-Assessment tool on emfsol.com you can use that tool to see what you need before placing a product order. Then use the information and the discount BEAUTIFUL on Sara Viau’s website.
For International orders, please email Sara Viau at [email protected]. She will apply the BEAUTIFUL discount code to your order and send you an invoice for the EMF Solutions products you would like to order.
See installation instructions here.
Go shopping for EMF protection, and what you’ll see everywhere is SHIELDING products. But now, there’s something better and more effective.
Instead, NEUTRALIZE EMFs throughout your home, work and on your body, and see a real difference. For me, it’s been life-changing, and there’s still more exciting progress ahead!
Linda says
Great information in this blog post, Megan, thank you. I have reached out to Sara to ask questions. I want to buy the wrist band. I’m 133 lbs and see there’s a small size band for people weighing 100 lb or less. I have a very small wrist. Next size is XL? Not sure on sizing, as XL seems too big. I will wait to hear back from her but what is your experience with sizing?
Megan says
Hi Linda, you’re welcome, my pleasure. I know; that product title is confusing. I am also small, but I have the EMF Band XL, and it fits well. In fact, there’s even one size smaller than my wrist. It is designed for teens and adults. 🙂
Linda says
Thank you, Megan. I ordered one!
Megan says
Great, Linda!! I hope you see some great results and find it noticeably helpful!
Alfreda G. says
Wonderful article! Thank you Megan! I have been using these products for several months and they have helped me! I have wondered about limiting exposure too (though I am using the neutralizing devices from Mind and Body). Using your keyboard and using your speaker option on your phone are great ideas. I was using a metal phone stand before Mind and Body, may I ask, how do you hold your phone?????
One more question, do you use your wrist band while at home? I am just using it while away from home. I figured that our home devices were doing the job at home.
P.S. Sara at Mind and Body is lovely and extremely helpful!
Megan says
Thank you, Alfreda! Great to hear your great experiences, too! Right now, I am just holding my phone. I tried ordering one case, but it wasn’t deep enough. I haven’t made a second attempt yet, but I need to ask Sara for a direct link to a product she’s pretty sure will work. When I say that I hold my phone, it’s very little. If I’m having an extended conversation, I almost always prop my phone or set it down and stay near it. I usually only hold it briefly to dial or answer etc, occasionally for longer. Re the wrist band, yes, I wear my wrist band ALL the time, unless I’m in the shower, swimming or in the sauna LOL, so unless I’m exposed to water. I feel like I want to do everything to protect my body, and because I have that history of wrist, arm and neck pain, it’s extra important for me. Yay, re Sara! <3
Alfreda G. says
Thank you for your reply! Ok! I think I understand! It doesn’t sound like you are using a neutralizer (the little bar thingy) on your phone currently. That explains why you aren’t holding your phone. Does that sound right?
I understand what you mean about the phone case not being deep enough. I’ve tucked the bar thingy in my phone case although it isn’t the perfect fit. For now it will have to work.
Since I am still experiencing tightness in my hands and trigger finger I might start wearing my band or carrying the neutralizer in my pocket to see if that might help reduce my symptoms.
Wishing you all the best!
Megan says
I’m sorry I confused you, Alfreda! 🙂 Yes, I have the bar thingy on my phone. 🙂 I just prefer to be cautious because I don’t consider myself to be 100% protected, more like 95%ish?, and/or perhaps it’s that my arm is still more sensitive, but becoming less so all the time. I’m glad you’ve figured out what works for you, even if it’s makeshift for now. I’d add the band to your arm all the time until you’re symptom-free?, or virtually so. All the best, too!!
Susan Odenthal says
Hi Meagan! OMG you haven’t just made my day, you have made my LIFE with this information!! I have been looking for protection from all of these devices for years, and ones that don’t cost a fortune!!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Meagan, you are an angel! I will get right on top of this! Take care.
Hugs and Blessings,
P.S. I love all of your emails and recipes, and heartwarming stories! We too adopted a little girl!
Megan says
Hi Susan, I am rejoicing with you!! Thank you for sharing your encouragement and encouraging me at the same time. I’m so excited for you! Hugs and blessings, too!! Beautiful to hear about your adoption, too, and to connect! 🙂
Elena says
I feel like I’ve struck gold ever since I’ve been on your emailing list Megan. Every article you post has valuable information thats personal to you and has helped me and my family. Your passion shines through in your work. I appreciate it so much! Keep up the great work ❤
Megan says
Thank you so much, Elena! I am so glad what I’m doing is helpful, and you are so kind to pass along the encouragement to me! 🙂 Blessings!
Jim Rotholz says
This sounds too good to be true! But it makes sense and I can’t wait to give it a try, having been seriously affected by both emfs and mold for over two decades now. Thanks so much for posting this information.
Megan says
Yay, Jim, great!! I know you will do this, but do be sure to start slowly. I know you’re very familiar with detox that can happen. One of my friends who got the Home Harmonizer, modem device and the Better ZZZs actually had three nights of (insomnia) hearing a modem start-up sound in her brain when the modem usually would have been dialing up and affecting her brain; amazing! She overcame that, but wow, what a testimony to a body breaking a Wifi cycle. I will be so hopeful for how your mold sensitivity is affected as well! Praying for you for a gentle breakthrough with these long time struggles.
Sally says
Hi Megan,
Thank you so much for generating and publishing this article. I can personally attest to all that you share here. Wearing the wristband has been an absolute game changer for my travel opportunities. Air travel used to be an uncomfortable, challenging endeavor, because I felt so bad sitting in the airports and in-flight being surrounded by all the EMFs. I don’t experience ANY of those same symptoms anymore…gone!
I’m wondering, is the Better ZZZs product still recommended for use with a foam mattress that does not have metal coils inside?
Thank you, again!
Megan says
Hi Sally, yay! Thank you so much for sharing your experience, too! Great to hear those specifics. Wow! I just sent along your question to Sara, and will respond here again soon, when I hear back from her, re the mattress. 🙂
Megan says
Hi Sally, Sara said that if you have a metal frame the mattress sits upon or a box spring, you need a Better ZZZs. If it’s a foam mattress on all wood frame, then no need for the product.
Heather W. says
This was technology to counter EMFs that we bought into: https://www.blushield-us.com/. I was introduced to this be Heather Dressinger at Mommypotopus.
Megan says
Hi Heather, thanks for sharing. That looks like cool technology, too. The downside of those products is the cost; they are so expensive. I hope you’ve seen great results, though!