In addition to being devoted to our family’s healing, I formerly taught GAPS, Paleo, and Weston A. Price Traditional food cooking classes in Eugene, OR. After six years of doing the GAPS diet ourselves, my family and I phased into a Paleo diet that looked similar to AIP.
When I didn’t get the deeper healing I needed, I eventually found the concept of chronic vitamin A toxicity, and began a path of detoxing vitamin A and copper from my body. It is with this diet that I’ve had amazing healing happen.
For the last ten years, I’ve worked as a Recipe Consultant, meeting with individuals each week, referred to me by gastroenterologists, naturopaths, energy practitioners and medical doctors. I am not a dietician or a nutritionist. My specialty is food, and healing food in particular.
My goal when I meet with a client is to help them succeed on their healing diet. Too often patients receive a recommended diet from their healthcare practitioner but can’t implement it for many reasons. I share recipes, techniques and practical inspiration to help my clients succeed and heal. I also discuss specific supplements about which a client can then ask their doctor. It is my deep wish to share with you any information that will help you on your healing journey.
I do have long distance clients and enjoy phone appointments.
The diets I help implement vary slightly based on a client’s health diagnosis. I currently work with clients and help toward healing the following conditions: interstitial cystitis, leaky gut, pathogen overgrowth or gut dysbiosis, gastroparesis, hormone imbalance/infertility, asthma, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, autoimmune diseases (I have had five!), Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis, IBS, SIBO, vitamin A toxicity and Parkinson’s disease. Again, I am not medically trained. My specialty, education and passion are in food and by self-study and through healing my own family, I act as a guide in implementing proper diets that have already been recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
However, that being said, I do know a lot about supplements and healing techniques that end up being a focal point for most clients. I always share this information as a mama to a friend and do not share it as someone pretending to be educated as a dietician, nutritionist or doctor. What I share with you I advise you to bring to your healthcare provider for an expert opinion.
How to get started? Send me an email at [email protected]. Tell me a little about your health history and your present health situation and diet. I’ll get back to you and proceed with setting up an appointment. Two follow-up emails are included in the price, and I have found that a warm rapport is an added benefit with all my clients.
For payments outside of the U.S., including Canada, $15 is added to cover conversion rates and currency value variations.