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In this article, we look at Why & How to Take Fulvic Acid Minerals, plus which are the best supplement manufacturers for the best quality fulvic acid.
Why I take Fulvic Acid
I first learned about why to take fulvic acid minerals from my doctor. The main difference I noticed from supplementing? Energy and relief from fatigue.
Also, more satiety after meals.
For improved health, consider fulvic minerals and why they’re important … We’ll discuss 6 health benefits, including cell health, detoxification, antioxidant benefits and more.
Why to take Fulvic Acid Minerals
Perhaps you’ve heard it said that our soil is no longer as rich in minerals as it once was, due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers?
Therefore, our produce does not have the same nutrition it once did.
What juicing can’t do
This is actually one argument in favor of juicing.
Juicing allows us to consume a much greater volume of produce, thus ingesting a larger amount of living enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Many say that “back in the day” this wasn’t necessary because produce was more concentrated with nutrition.
However, with juicing there are some risks. We may end up eating too much vitamin A and fructose, and we don’t get the fiber produce has to offer.
For me, after three years of adhering to a strict healing diet, which included juicing but excluded any kind of vitamin or mineral supplement, I was pleased and almost relieved when my new naturopathic doctor placed me on soil minerals, also known as fulvic ionic minerals.
Juicing hadn’t given me any longterm benefits, but it had a contributed to a couple of problems.
I sensed my body needed more than it was getting, to improve my overall health.
Why soil minerals are superior
I had used high-quality liquid minerals in the past and liked them, but these soil minerals showed themselves to be superior and instilled greater confidence in me for three reasons:
- The doctor who gave them to me is the finest and most effective naturopath I’ve had the pleasure to work with, in 22 years of pursuing the healing of my body.
- I immediately felt better upon taking them — overall energy and wellness! (Even on a cellular level, while I couldn’t see it, my health was improving.)
- They academically made the most sense: Put back into our bodies minerals from the soil we should be consuming and would be consuming if we humans hadn’t damaged our soil so much over time.
As you will see, fulvic ionic minerals have additional roles that make them essential for optimum health, especially for anyone suffering from a nutrient deficiency — or needing to detoxify.
Fulvic acid is a yellow or brown naturally occurring compound found in soil, peat, coal and bodies of water such as streams or lakes.
Fulvic acid is created when plants and animals decompose over millennia.
It is an acid created in very small amounts by millions of beneficial microbes, working on that decaying plant matter in a soil environment with adequate oxygen.
Fulvic acid has gained popularity in recent years due to its inherent health benefits.
Fulvicmineral.com says,
Imagine the earth … when enormous rain-forests covered much of the earth’s land mass. Like the animals of that time, plants were enormous compared to the plants of today, with root systems that reached deep into
the earth. The root systems of these prehistoric giants where able to tap rich sources of inorganic minerals and convert them into organic, biologically-friendly minerals via photosynthesis. Once these giant plants died, the organic minerals within their structures were re-deposited onto the surface of the earth, where they combined with fulvic acids created by the local soil microbes, forming ever more complex and diverse fulvic acid and mineral colloids. This botanical life and death cycle continued … gradually forming very rich and rare Fulvic Mineral deposits.
These deposits are one current source for fulvic minerals, for companies who provide the nutritional supplement.
What are humic acids
Humic acids are similar to fulvic acid, but a little different. Because we need both, I’ll share a bit about humic acids as well.
Humic acids are decomposed remains of organic life.
They’re long-chain molecules that are high in weight and dark brown.
“Humic acid” is a broad term that refers to a complex mixture of many different acids that are soluble in alkaline solutions. They exist naturally as part of nature’s life cycle in soils, oceans and streams.
Fulvic acid is light yellow or brown, has more oxygen than humic, is lower in molecular weight and is soluble at all pH levels (both acidic and alkaline).
Some scholars consider fulvic acid a more “sophisticated” version of humic acid, as they are so closely related. And that’s an easy way to understand their differences.
Fulvic acid has smaller particles that are better able to penetrate through cells walls … and bring along with them vital nutrients and trace minerals.
Yes, it’s relevant! When we can’t always decide which new health craze is worth our attention, it can be helpful to look at animal and plant nutrition, to see what works and why!
The reasons gardeners prize and use these acids are similar to the reasons humans should use them.
The molecules of humic acid attach to mineral ions like talons, helping prevent the minerals from being locked up in the soil.
Although humic acid won’t necessarily fertilize your plants itself, it makes nutrients better available for plants to absorb. The results are greater plant efficiency and better plant health.
All this adds up to a plant better suited to meet its full potential. (source)
So, you can see from the plant world how humic and fulvic acid also benefit humans!:
- better absorption of nutrients
- more water uptake (in the case of fulvic)
- greater cellular efficiency
- better health
- support of healthy microbial activity
- lowers the uptake of toxins
- full potential of health can be realized!
Why fulvic provides the body more cellular energy
Fulvic electrolytes recharge and restore cell balance. The fulvic electrolytes act as miniature battery chargers, providing a constant nutritional and mineral energy replacement charge.
They help each cell perform at its maximum potential.
Toxins and heavy metals are neutralized by fulvic and humic acid and discharged from the body.
While humic acid makes nutrition more accessible, fulvic acid helps cells take up nutrients more effectively.
The fulvic acid I take contains in one dose: 40 mg of fulvic acid and 60 mg of humic acid in purified water. It contains over 70 naturally occurring fulvic and humic bio-mass vegetal minerals, trace elements, trace amino acids and antioxidants.
1. Release of toxic metals
Globalhealingcenter.com says,
Ingestion of fulvic acid is known to increase the ability of a cell to release toxic metals. Australia’s Ecotoxicology Program found that when fish swam in water with fulvic acid, their aluminum toxicity levels were up to six times lower than otherwise.
2. Digestion
Taken with a meal, fulvic acid also helps your body with digestion!
It works as a catalyst of nutrients.
The electrolytes in fulvic acid actually help your body to absorb minerals better, the nutrition found in that meal’s food, or additional minerals that are supplemented.
Imagine you’re sick and need your body to make the most of zinc. Think fulvic minerals! Taken together, the zinc is more effective.
Or, perhaps you have thyroid issues and take selenium. Again, that selenium is utilized better by your thyroid with fulvic minerals.
People ask me how I put my Hashimoto’s into remission. This is one of the ways! Selenium + fulvic minerals = improved and more balanced organ function. (Plus, side note: reducing stress is key!)
While many people still take calcium supplements, it’s no longer recommended by functional medical doctors. That’s because it increases blood calcium levels, and the body compensates by pulling vitamin D from the bones! (Exactly the opposite of what it’s trying to achieve.)
But taking fulvic minerals helps the body to actually absorb calcium from the diet.
For anyone with a leaky gut, mineral absorption is a major concern.
Taking fulvic acid with your meal will help your body combat the issue of mineral deficiency.
3. Cellular energy
On a cellular level, fulvic acid helps cells absorb minerals, improving their overall function and even extending cell life.
Our cells’ electrical potential affects our overall energy levels. The electrolytes in fulvic acid act to basically recharge our cells.
With higher fulvic acid levels, cells can also utilize other minerals better, that may be deficient in our bodies, important minerals like magnesium and zinc.
4. Natural antioxidant and cancer killer
Additionally, electronichealing.co.uk says of fulvic acid,
It is also one of the most powerful natural antioxidants and free radical scavengers known. It has the unique ability to react with both negatively and positively charged unpaired electrons and render free radicals harmless. It can either alter them into new useable compounds or eliminate them as waste.
Fulvic is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and removes them from the cells.
In this study, fulvic acid was shown to cause cell death in various human cancer cells and stimulate immune-modulating molecules.
5. Fulvic Acid and Weight Loss
While weight gain occurs for many reasons, one of the leading reason is: Lack of nutrients stimulates the desire to eat more.
For those who aren’t assimilating their nutrients well OR those who eat a standard American diet and just aren’t eating nutritious foods, the body is cued to keep eating to get the nutrition it needs.
By focusing on nutritious foods and taking fulvic acid, the body is able to better assimilate nutrition, leading to less food intake and weight loss.
Fulvic acid also provides so much tangible energy (I can feel the difference significantly!), that it’s easier to find the motivation it takes to exercise.
Lastly, because fulvic acid supports thyroid function (especially when taken with selenium), those who are overweight due to thyroid issues may really feel the benefit as well.
6. Detoxification
Fulvic acid has the unique ability to break down toxins and reduce them to a harmless state.
Because of its small size and complex functionality, and because it’s water soluble, it can remove toxins from the system.
Fulvic carries oxygen to muscles and the brain. We need adequate amounts of oxygen to help get rid of toxins.
Fulvic also has anti-fungal properties. (source)
Many practitioners use fulvic to help renew the cell’s detox functions, especially for invalids or the chronically ill.
While many companies have high fulvic acid quantity, this number can be misleading.
While many supplements come and go, this is one supplement that I don’t want to live without.
Why? Because our overall health is completely dependent on cell health. And our cell’s can’t utilize nutrients without fulvic acid.
As electronichealing.co.uk says,
If we fail to supply the cell with essential growth and maintenance nutrients we will experience a breakdown of these functions. When the breakdown is substantial we have the onset of disease or the manifestation of some related defect.
Nutrients become bioavailable when in their ionic form, able to move through cell walls. It is fulvic acid that performs this feat.
- Use the drops in filtered water. Fulvic minerals react with chlorine.
- Take fulvic minerals with food. You’ll get more nutrition out of what you eat!
- Take fulvic minerals when juicing, but juice low fructose, low vitamin A foods and in moderation. Fulvic acid actually makes living enzymes more effective. (I like to juice fresh ginger, peeled lemons, peeled cucumbers and celery.)
- Sensitive patients may need to work up to full doses of fulvic to avoid uncomfortable detox symptoms (as waste products within cells are released).
Find Fulvic Minerals here, and click the Shop Now button to get to the product page.
Dorothy says
I enjoyed this article and would like to try fulvic acid minerals to see if it will make a difference.
Megan says
Great, Dorothy, glad to hear! Thanks for commenting! 🙂
Valerie Jones says
Is there an ingredient list? I cannot seem to read the bottle on the site…back of bottle.
Megan says
Hi Valerie, yes, great question. It has basically 3 ingredients. Here’s more thorough information:
Serving size: 1 mL
Servings per container: 30
Per serving
Total mineral extracts 190 mg
Fulvic Acid (as mineral complex) 40 mg
Humic Acid (as mineral complex) 60 mg
Other ingredients: Purified water.
It contains over 70 naturally occurring fulvic and humic bio-mass vegetal minerals, trace elements, trace amino acids and antioxidants presented within the original humate source.
Robyn DiCarlo says
How did you decide to use this brand of Fulvic? Had you tried others and they weren’t effective? I also like how you mentioned to take with food as I couldn’t understand how other companies would say to take away from food. If this is part of our soil that we grow food in it would make since to take with food. Thanks if you can answer this for me.
Megan says
Hi Robyn, I actually started with a product by Mother Earth Labs many years ago, and I did like and feel the benefits from that product. At some point, I stopped that product because of the price and chose a cheaper one off of Amazon, which didn’t have the same noticeable benefits. For a while, then, I was just using Trace minerals. But I started taking Coseva’s when I found and discovered their TRS, which is used to detox even more powerfully and crosses the blood brain barrier. I loved that product, and had felt badly about stopping good fulvic minerals, so decided to try their minerals. Part of what helped me choose them was their extensive sourcing and testing data. I do think their quality is unparalleled. I’m glad that the taking it with food piece is helpful. 🙂
Robyn says
Is it ok to put in a smoothie?
Megan says
Yes! 🙂 That’s a great choice, because it should be taken with food.
Robyn DiCarlo says
If I place an order for the Fulvic minerals how long would it take to ship out? I’m in Massachusetts. Also, how much is shipping for 3 bottles? Thank you!
Megan says
Hi Robyn, if you click through, the website will tell you those details. About a week, and shipping should be free.
Ann says
How long should you take this? I’ve been reading the studies say 7 days but not sure if I can take longer daily?
Megan says
Hi Ann, it depends on your goals and health situation. Certainly some people take fulvic minerals long term daily.
Tracy Austin says
HI, great article, just wondering if you can still take them up to a year past expiry date? Are they still somewhat effective? thanks
Megan says
Hi Tracy, Thank you. I don’t know for sure, but personally I would still take them. If you want to be sure, you could reach out to the manufacturer and ask them what the date signifies. They may just be required to have one, or it may be relevant.
Tracy Austin says
Thanks so much for your comments! I’ll keep taking as how can soil expire?
Megan says
Exactly, great, Tracy. Happy to help! 🙂
Carmen Mar says
Hi Megan, Do you take TRS or the Advanced Fulvic?
Megan says
Hi Carmen, I did take Advanced Fulvic for quite some time, but I still take TRS and plan to indefinitely. I can tell I still need it. Two things I can tell it continues to detox for me are heavy metals and estrogens. For minerals, I now take individual minerals, after testing, that I now know my body needs.
Jennifer Gonzalez says
Megan I am doing a program that uses a fulvic/Hynix formula that contains 250mg of fulvic bio mass vegetal minerals and 220 mg of humid biomass vegetal minerals in 1ml 2x/day. This seems high compared to your 40fulvic
60 humic and the rest is h2o. This higher dose is only for 21 days, but it seems like this is one supplement you might want to take on a regular basis but not necessarily at the dose prescribed by this particular program. After I’m done with this program would you recommend sustaining with the product you use? I would appreciate your thoughts. Also do you use trace minerals too? Also I love the way you teach others about health you do a great job!
Megan says
Thank you, Jennifer! I can’t recommend anything because I’m not a doctor, but I can say what I’ve done or do or would do. I do think that the product I use is a good one for long term use, and that’s how I’ve used it. I do not think Trace Minerals should be added. I used to do that, but then I learned that there are minerals in the product we don’t need more of, and without getting our personal mineral levels tested, it’s not ideal at all to be adding to potentially too high of levels of minerals like boron. Instead, I just make potassium salt, which is basically 60% salt and 40% potassium (or 50:50 ratio if preferred). Most people need more potassium but not a lot more of the other minerals that Trace Minerals uses. This is the salt I use to cook our food with, so beyond the fulvic minerals, I don’t add minerals to my water. Here’s the recipe for potassium salt: https://eatbeautiful.net/homemade-lite-salt-salt-substitute-recipe-morton-copycat-salt-potassium/
Stephanie says
Hello Megan, Am I understanding correctly that you only take 1 ml a day with food in water? Is it just as effective taken straight to the mouth without water while eating?
Thanks in advance for your response.
Megan says
Hi Stephanie, yes, 1 ml is the dose. I haven’t tried it without water, but that’s probably fine, as long as you take it with food.
Rob says
Is thiS OK to take while detoxing VA?
Megan says
Hi Rob, it’s better to use only the specific minerals you need after testing with Dr. Smith (or carefully choose your individual minerals by educated guess that others are using for the low A diet): zinc, selenium, molybdenum, magnesium, potassium etc. The Fulvic aren’t as good for detoxing vA because they may include trace amounts of manganese or copper, which we are trying to detox while on the diet. Good question.
Clara Paulson says
I was looking at your electrolyte powder mix and the recipe is easy enough to make. You say to use a scoop as a serving in 24 oz. of H2O but I cannot find where you say how much is a scoop? What is measurement for a scoop? how many grams equals a scoop? Thanks
Megan says
Hi Clara, happy to help: ¾ + ⅛ teaspoons (or just under 1 teaspoon) DIY Electrolyte Powder.
Jess says
Interesting you mention detoxing from estrogens…I’ve begun humic minerals and am still trying to determine dosage. Been having hot flashes! And during a Phoenix summer, that’s not welcome!
Also am wondering about all the supps I take, and if they’ll remain necessary, when taking the humic…Hmmmm.
Megan says
Wow, Jess, thanks for sharing!