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Paleo Cassava Flour Sourdough Waffles uses fermentation to produce a wonderful flavor, increase nutrition, and reduce antinutrients. You’ll love the make-ahead batter that makes morning waffles fast, easy and SO delicious: sourdough! This grain-free batter is Paleo, Gluten-free and has great macronutrients! It may become your new favorite daily staple, as it is ours.
This post also shares with you how to reduce phytic acid in other grain-free recipes (and I’m always happy to answer your questions below in the Comments section).
You can also learn about reducing antinutrients in seeds here.
Cassava and Phytic Acid
Most of us don’t think about antinutrients when we think about cassava root and cassava flour. However, cassava has a high percentage of phytic acid.
Phytic acid is a storage form of phosphorus which is found in nuts, seeds, roots and tubers. It has the potential to bind calcium, zinc, iron and other minerals, making them less available for absorption. That’s why it’s considered an antinutrient (read: “anti-nutrition” because it interferes with the absorption of nutrients).
Phytic acid also decreases the body’s production of digestive enzymes like pepsin. So for those of us adhering to a grain-free diet to help our guts heal, phytic acid really affects our digestion in a negative way. (source)
How to Create a Cassava Sourdough Starter
Fermentation is used in many traditional cultures to reduce phytic acid, yielding a much more nutritious food. Many of us use cassava flour liberally without this awareness.
For how often my family eats cassava flour, which is daily, I’ve started to ferment.
I tried creating a room temperature sourdough starter, but cassava isn’t a grain; and it didn’t work. I figured out a different method that works well. It’s easy, too.
Paleo Cassava Flour Sourdough Waffles method
Cassava flour ferments well in the fridge when made into a batter that contains probiotics. The general principle is to mix sour raw milk (or sauerkraut juice at room temperature, which I discuss more below as a dairy-free option) into a batter or dough recipe and then to let the batter sit in the fridge for 3-5 days.
The probiotics in the sour milk or sauerkraut juice predigest the antinutrients in the cassava.
You end up with a deliciously sour dough. I use this method weekly with my grain-free waffle batter. I keep the batter in a mason jar. Once it’s fermented, the batter provides an easy breakfast each morning.
Any recipe can be soured
You can also use this method when making any recipe that already contains a liquid like milk or water, by subbing in some soured raw milk or kraut juice. You don’t taste the flavor of sauerkraut or sour milk, but the probiotics do their handiwork in the safety of cold refrigeration, which prevents mold from developing.
(See a few more recipe examples [how to convert them to sourdough] at the bottom of this post.)
Paleo Cassava Flour Sourdough Waffles
If your batter separates at all while sitting in the fridge, just give it a little stir before pouring and baking. You’ll see lots of new air pockets throughout the batter, a testimony to the fermentation that’s occurring.
Sourdough fermentation reduces phytic acid
In conclusion, the best way to neutralize phytic acid is through fermentation. And that’s what sourdough is and does: It’s the most effective means of reducing antinutrients.
Because of sourdough I haven’t needed to reduce my consumption of cassava. My body LOVES this complex carbohydrate and the resistant starch it provides.
And I love the method used in this recipe because it’s uncomplicated and requires no new cooking tools. Just stick it in the fridge, and the probiotics do the work for you.
Paleo Sourdough Waffles with cheese …
The recipe below uses Parmesan cheese (much like chaffles do). Most eaters will not notice the cheesy flavor unless you point it out. The Parmesan creates an incredible texture internally and externally.
I make my dairy-free daughter’s waffles without this ingredient. I often add in a smashed fruit or cooked, smashed veggie to hers instead, like pumpkin or banana or frozen cauliflower rice.
Dairy-free Sourdough Waffles using Sauerkraut Juice
Fermentation with sour raw milk works well in the refrigerator. But with sauerkraut juice it is better to ferment the batter at room temperature, in which case I wait to add the eggs and baking soda until ready to bake. This bread recipe uses this method.
Please see the Notes section directly below the recipe for the dairy-free version of this recipe.
Paleo Cassava Flour Sourdough Waffles
- 1-¼ cups cassava flour see link below in Recipe notes
- 4 eggs pasture-raised preferred
- 1 cup milk : sour and raw; or ¾ cup water + ¼ cup sauerkraut juice
- 1 cup Parmesan cheese grated (or other hard, aged cheese such as Romano, Pecorino or Asiago)
- ⅓ cup butter , melted and cooled slightly or lard, duck fat, ghee (or use avocado oil if preferred)
- ½ teaspoon baking soda , sifted
- ½ teaspoon sea salt
- In a medium-large bowl whisk together the dry ingredients: cassava flour, baking soda, sea salt. Set aside.
- In a blender or medium-size bowl puree/whisk together the wet ingredients: eggs, sour milk, melted fat. (*See Recipe notes below for the water + kraut juice combination option.)
- Pour the wet into the dry and fold together. Add the parmesan and mix completely.
- Store in the fridge, as batter, in a quart-size canning jar, for the week and bake as needed. Store for a minimum of 24 hours to sour the dough, to reduce phytic acid. Store longer for a stronger sourdough flavor and greater reduction of anti-nutrients, about 3-5 days.
- To bake, heat waffle iron and use about 1/2-¾ cup batter per waffle until you figure out if it's the right amount for your size waffle iron, without causing overflow of batter. (See Recipe notes for the kind of waffle iron I use.)
You can order Otto's Cassava Flour here.
Here's a good waffle iron.
DAIRY-FREE RECIPE VARIATION (water + kraut juice combination)
- For this variation, wait to add the eggs and baking soda. Assemble the recipe otherwise in exactly the same way, using kraut juice + water instead of the sour milk. (And omit the parmesan cheese, subbing in cauliflower rice, pureed pumpkin, or smashed banana.)
- Allow the batter to sit out covered at warm room temperature about 24 hours, preferably in a medium-size mixing bowl.
- Before cooking the waffles beat the eggs together in a small bowl. Dissolve the baking soda in 1 Tablespoon water. Add both the eggs and the baking soda to the batter and stir together well.
- Bake waffles.
Side note~ You can see below one of my breakfasts with this recipe … and that I use plenty of butter! 😉 I also top my waffles with fresh herbs, chevre and local honey. I love having the honey infused with herbal flavor!
More Recipes Converted to Sourdough
Here’s my favorite Pumpkin Pancakes recipe. All you do to make this one sourdough is to switch the 1/4 cup milk called for in the recipe to soured milk. Then refrigerate it for several days before frying up the cakes. Easy; but you do have to plan ahead.
In this AIP (egg-free, dairy-free, nut-free) Lemon Blueberry Coffeecake, simply sub 1/4 cup kraut juice (or soured raw milk if you’ve added dairy back in successfully) for a 1/4 cup of the coconut milk. Then pour the batter into the prepared baking pan, and allow the batter to sit out in a warm kitchen, covered, for 24 hours before baking.
It’s not enough to be Paleo…
We have to think about digestion! So many Paleo folks load up on almond butter or almond flour. But those ingredients are not “predigested.” Almond products tax the digestive system, in addition to being high in omega-6s.
My cookbook and a unique soaking method
If you want more great Paleo baked goods that will bless your body, and even help you in your healing journey, my cookbook uses a unique soaking method that’s easy. In fact most of the baked goods are made in a blender, so batters come together fast. Check out all the 5 star reviews here. 🙂
Email me if you’re not sure if the cookbook is right for you. I’ve designed it so you can buy the eCookbook if you are on a tight budget or prefer that format, here. Or you can get the hard copy here, if you prefer holding a cookbook with lots a helpful and beautiful photographs. *This cookbook is GAPS Diet-friendly, so it does not use cassava flour. Cassava flour is excellent when phasing off of the GAPS Diet.
Cheers: to one added simple step that allows our bodies to access and assimilate the nutrition our food offers…!
Lindsey Dietz says
You knew someone was going to ask this… Is there a way to make these egg-free? I assume you would’ve included that adaptation if one existed, but I had to ask. 😉
Megan Stevens says
I know, right? That would be nice. I do link to the egg-free coffeecake recipe (above); and that can be made using this method. Waffles are extra-tricky to make egg-free. I do have a recipe over at Empowered Sustenance for egg-free waffles, though. Have you tried that one? SUPER yummy. 🙂
Dorothy says
I was wondering that too. I’ve been back to eating egg yolks in homemade mayo, but not the whites. I’m also avoiding most dairy, with the exception of Kerrigold butter. Could apple cider vinegar be used in place of sauercraut juice in either of these three recipes?
Holley Marth says
Fascinating!! Makes sense to ferment that batter a bit for easier digestion and absorption!
Michele @ Thriving On Paleo says
Oh how interesting! I used to love making sourdough when I thought I could eat wheat, and I miss that taste and feeling of really making traditional food (even though Paleo is probably considered “traditional”, I’m thinking more WAPF kind of food). I’m excited to try this out!
Oh Snap! Let's Eat! says
What a cool idea! Can’t wait to try!
Renee Kohley says
Oy! I had no idea about the phytic acid in cassava. I haven’t been using it long but I am going to have to rethink how I am using it now! Thank you for the soaking guide!
Megan Stevens says
It’s such a great pantry staple. I’m glad the soaking information is helpful.
Jean says
So interesting! I didn’t know about cassava and phytic acid. And also didn’t know you can ferment it! Can’t wait to try this.
Kari Peters says
This is such a cool idea, I had no clue you could ferment cassava flour or about the phytic acid in it. Also loving your savory version of waffles, they look scrumptious!
Megan Stevens says
Thank you, Kari!
ChihYu says
This is so cool ! I love waffles and this homemade version looks so healthy and delicious. Love it !
Megan Stevens says
Thank you! Yes, yay for waffles! 😉
Jackie Marie says
Hi Megan, It says this can be used for muffins, rolls and bread loaves. Is there a recipe for the bread loaves?
Megan says
Hi Jackie, no, although there are bread rolls in my cookbook. But that mainly refers to being able to apply the concept to several/most grain-free recipes.
Donna Welborn says
Kind of new to this. I see you use cassava flour in alot of things, like your delicious-looking rhubarb crumble. Does this mean you ferment it before you make your other yummy things??
Megan Stevens says
I don’t worry about fermenting it in everything, like the crumble recipe. Good question. I ferment it most of the time, like in batters.
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish says
I am so happy to know this now, since I do eat a lot of cassava flour and didn’t know about this. I can’t wait to make these using the kraut method and also the pumpkin pancakes and blueberry coffeecake modified with this method.
Megan Stevens says
Wonderful, Emily! I sure don’t want to reduce my consumption of cassava and the lovely baked goods, so I’m so happy there’s this option; plus I love traditional methods and wisdom!
Jeana says
Hello, I was wondering if the reason for the kraut juice is a ‘boost’ to the fermenting process and if that is the case could I use kombucha in place of it?
Megan Stevens says
Hi Jeana, the sauerkraut’s purpose is to inoculate the ferment, the probiotics causing the process. I like the idea of you using/trying kombucha in its place! 🙂
Nicola Terranella says
I am excited to try sourdough cassava flour. I have been concerned about the phytic acid in it and I recently bought a bunch of cassava flour at a good price. I used to have a sourdough culture but gave it up when I gave up gluten due to an allergy. I tried sourdough bread recently and didn’t seem to have a reaction so I will probably eat it here and there but since I do better without gluten it is not worth the trouble of keeping a sourdough starter anymore. Anyways, do you think this recipe would work with pickle juice (or possibly other ferments) instead? I get so little extra juice in my kraut and raw milk is hard to come by where I live so we relish it fresh and I rarely get to culture it. I hope to see more sourdough cassava recipes. Maybe pizza crust or tortillas…
Megan Stevens says
Hi Nicola! Yes, pickle juice is a great alternative. Love the sourdough pizza crust idea! 🙂 I’ll work on that one!
Nicola Terranella says
Would you use the same ratio of pickle juice to water as you would with sauerkraut juice?
Megan Stevens says
Yes. 🙂
Nicola Terranella says
I tried this with pickle juice and let it culture for a few days and it got moldy. There could have been a few things I did wrong. I used a different type of cassava flour and it seemed dry so I added extra water. Any thoughts? I ended up with a surplus of raw milk so I am going to try it the other way.
Megan Stevens says
Hi Nicola, I notice a few things that you did differently from the recipe: you let it culture for 3 days; the recipes says 24 hours. Those extra 2 days allowed the mold to grow, in addition to the following potential contributing factors. Yes, the different cassava flour could definitely affect the outcome. Many cassava flours are not careful in their methods, which can introduce mold spores etc. I’d stick with Otto’s, even though it may cost more. Extra water, yes, again, can cause mold. Try to follow the recipe exactly. Also, pickle juice may not have as high a probiotic count as sauerkraut juice, especially if commercially made or a short ferment.
Katherine says
Hi Megan, I tried this recipe with 24 hour cultured creme fraiche and it turned out well. But I really want a recipe for tortillas that uses soaked cassava flour. Do you think it’s possible to soak cassava flour but not have it be batter-y but rather dough-like? Thank you Megan!
Megan Stevens says
Yes, I do. I’ve wanted to try it, but haven’t yet. I’d replace the water called for in the Otto’s cassava flour tortilla recipe with sour milk or part sauerkraut juice, and then let the dough sit covered with plastic wrap or beeswax fabric…but a bit more water will likely need to be added before rolling out, because the dough will likely dry out. It may be that a wetter dough is required; it may be that refrigeration for 5 days with the wetter dough will change the texture and need unpredictable tweaking before rolling out etc. 😉 So there are several uncertain factors. Thankfully the general feel of dough is known, so getting it back to that place before rolling out would be the goal.
Katherine says
Thank you for replying Megan! I’m going to experiment as per your suggestions and see what I end up with. The Otto’s tortilla recipe calls for 1/3 cup water. Should all of that be sauerkraut juice or would you cut it with water? I would use sour milk, but I’m not sure how sour is too sour or possibly even not sour enough. Thank you again Megan! I really appreciate your taking a moment to answer!
Megan Stevens says
I would use all kraut juice, to speed up the process, not wanting the mound of dough to go moldy when left out. I find that sour milk does great fermenting the dough in the fridge, but kraut juice-dough ferments need to be left out…and so the more probiotics the better to avoid spoilage and to get the process going quickly. Sour milk works the best, but give it a go. I’ll look forward to hearing how it does! (You’re welcome!)
Katherine says
Thanks again. If sour milk is best, I can try that also. So let’s say I have a glass of raw milk. How long would I let it sit out at room temperature to make it the right level of sour? Thank you Megan!
Megan Stevens says
To sour milk you won’t leave out a glass. Instead I open the milk and pour a bit from the jar, allowing in air and new bacteria; then replace the lid, loosely screwing it on. Depending on the original handling, some milk will take a long time to sour; ours does, because it’s handled so pristinely. Left at room temperature, in a warm home, raw milk will sour in 2-3 days. (Typically, allow 5 days-3 weeks! if souring in the refrigerator.)
Katherine says
I will do that. Thank you again very much Megan!
Megan Stevens says
You’re welcome! 🙂
Katherine says
Hi Megan, I soured milk for 5 days on the counter (I forgot about it) and added it in place of the milk in the Otto’s cassava flour tortilla recipe. I also added melted lard in place of the olive oil. I fermented the dough in the fridge over night and made the tortillas last night. I added just a touch of water to make the dough less crumbly. I cooked the tortillas in lard and they tasted great! I wonder if the sour milk actually fermented the dough to a worthwhile degree because there was no hint of sourdough flavor. Next time I will probably leave it in the fridge for a good few days. Anyway, thanks for all the info!!
Megan Stevens says
Great to hear your details, Katherine! 🙂 Two things: one, taste/smell to make sure the milk did go sour and two, yes, I agree– need to let the dough sour longer. But now we know the recipe turns out with this ingredient change and the slight variations in the process, so, easy to just let the dough ferment longer. Thank you for sharing!!
Katherine says
Yes, I’m pleased! Thanks Megan!
Kelly @ A Girl Worth Saving says
This is awesome! I have been wanting to try a grain-free sourdough!
Megan Stevens says
Yay Kelly; thank you! I hope you enjoy the process and outcome!
Kassia says
Hi Megan, as always your recipes sound and look delectable. Is cassava flour an ingredient that MUST be used with eggs, or can it work in an egg free recipe as a replacement for white flour?
Thank you!
Megan Stevens says
Hi Kassia, thank you! Cassava does beautifully in egg-free baked goods. It’s not a 1:1 replacement for white flour, but you can experiment with it, or I have LOTS of cassava flour baked goods on this site. Look for AIP baked goods, because they’re always egg-free, and most of mine use cassava. Hope that helps. 🙂
Megan Bullington says
If you made a sourdough for the lemon coffee cake, would you go ahead and add the coconut milk with the kraut juice to sit for 24 hours?
Megan Stevens says
Yes, you would! 🙂
Peggy Karp says
Hi Megan, thanks so much for this very helpful post. Have you made pancakes with your waffle recipe, and if so, did you change the recipe at all?
Megan says
Hi Peggy, I haven’t. Let me know if you do. My favorite pancake recipe is here: https://eatbeautiful.net/2016/09/18/pumpkin-pancakes-paleo/ If you use that recipe, I’d replace the 1/4 cup milk with 1/4 cup cultured dairy. 🙂 Thanks for your comment and question!
Jamie says
Hi! We have a milk allergy. Have you made these without the parmesan? I’m assuming just leaving it out may change the recipe too much. Would you have any suggestions as to what to replace that with? I’d really like to try this recipe if we can. Looks awesome!
Megan says
Hi Jamie, you can try replacing it with cauliflower rice and a bit of extra fat in the batter.
Beverly Horner says
This sounds like a great idea. Right now the only dairy I can use is butter and ghee, so sour milk is out. Plus my kraut never had enough juice to pour off. Would acv in water or cashew milk work?
Thanks for the yummy recipes!!
Megan says
Yes, ACV + other liquid will work fine. You’re welcome and enjoy! 🙂
Debbie says
Hi Megan, I buy Bubbies sauerkraut or Wildbrine beetkraut; would either of these work in this recipe? I’ve been off grains for many years, but am wanting to add a sourdough “grain” into my diet. Your recipe is quite timely! Thank you!
Megan says
Hi Debbie, yes! Just as long as your kraut has a fair population of living probiotics it will work in this recipe. Enjoy!
Beverly Horner says
How much acv would you suggest for your recipe?
Megan says
Hi Beverly, 2 tablespoons. 🙂
Allie says
Does the cauliflower rice in this recipe need to be cooked? Or is straight from frozen ok? Thanks!
Megan says
Hi Allie, good question. The cauli rice doesn’t need to be cooked, but it shouldn’t be frozen and still cold because we want the batter slightly warm/room temp to start off the fermentation right. So if you use frozen, it needs to be defrosted and room temperature (or cooked is fine too).
Katherine says
Hi Megan, Can I leave out the cheese somehow? I want a more traditional sweet waffle. Thanks!
Katherine says
Also, Megan, i started to make this recipe sans the cheese and it’s not batter-y, it’s more pasty. In other words it’s not in a liquid form that could be poured into a waffle maker. Did I do something wrong? Thanks again!
Katherine says
Hello again Megan! Just wanted to tell you I was able to answer my own questions. As I said I did leave out the cheese without any additional alterations, and I added some milk to loosen up the batter before making the waffles. And I’m delighted to say that they were fantastic! I’m so excited!!!! Thank you Megan!
Megan says
Terrific!! So happy to hear this, and thank you for the follow up feedback!! 🙂
Suzanne Begin says
Question #1: I cannot get raw milk in Canada, so I will try this with the kraut juice + water. May I ask why you suggest to use “water” + kraut juice? Could I not use, say, “goat milk” + kraut juice? Is it because kraut juice does not work well with dairy? I am thinking that because you also say to replace the parmesan with a non dairy option (“…omit the parmesan cheese, subbing in cauliflower rice, pureed pumpkin, or smashed banana.”)…?
Question #2: If I understand correctly, it probably would not work if I tried to replace “sour raw milk” with “pasteurized milk” (no bacteria left in there) + 1 TBSP of ACV (apple cider vinegar)… right? ACV does contain bacteria but not enough to promote fermentation…?
from Ottawa, Canada
Megan says
Hi Suzanne, Q#1~ Water actually creates steam and works well in this recipe. But, using goat milk + kraut juice would be fine and good too. 🙂 Q#2~Yes, you can do this option with ACV! I’m just not a fan of using store bought milk at all, because it’s not A2 AND grass-fed. Of course, if it’s fermented that helps with its digestibility, but only somewhat. If you’re not too sensitive, then that solution will certainly help with predigesting. 🙂 Thanks for the great questions!
Laura Donnelly says
Hi, I am so happy to come across this recipe! I have been searching for how to properly ferment/prepare cassava! I have a LOT of whey strained from a raw yogurt that I made, so I’d like to use that in this recipe. Would I use 1/4 cup whey (like the sauerkraut version) and leave it at room temperature you think??
Megan says
Yes, that sounds perfect Laura! Sorry to get your question late. <3
Anna says
Hi Megan, We love these waffles! Such a great recipe. Also, I was very grateful to learn about the importance of soaking cassava flour. I want to convert this recipe for muffins. I attempted once by mashing this recipe together with the AIP muffin recipe with apples and coconut flakes (I cut those ingredients down to a 1/2 cup each and left the eggs out of the waffle recipe). We ate them, but it wasn’t ideal. They were tasty but there was too much moisture. Any thoughts about converting this recipe to a muffin with the eggs? Maybe cut back an egg and increase the baking soda a bit? That’s my first thought. I’d love to hear yours when you have a moment. Thank you so much for your incredible blog!
Megan says
Hi Anna, thanks so much for your feedback. It’s always so nice to hear that recipes are working well for families’ needs. Yay! Okay, just so I’m clear: What exact recipe would you love to see? Because I’d love to create it for you, instead of guessing on the basics. Would you like a Sourdough Apple-Coconut Muffin that contains eggs? Or what flavor and exact details? How about you tell me your ideal, and I’ll comment back here once I’ve made it with the exact recipe or publish it with a link. I can’t make it immediately, because I’m off to Israel in two days (to see my oldest child), so there will be a short delay. Sorry to make you wait. But I love this kind of thing and want to do it right … and my blog needs a sourdough muffin (wink, wink), so it’ll be fun for me to do.
Anna says
Megan – Thanks for your thoughts! The trouble is, I don’t know my ideal. : / I haven’t been and shouldn’t eat eggs, so I try egg-free baking a lot. But lately, I think I’ve been tolerating eggs in baked things which makes me welcome either kind of muffin recipe by you. If pressed, my ideal sourdough muffin would be egg-free and minimal coconut (no flour, hopefully no flakes, but oil and sugar are fine). I feel I can experiment with egg baking more myself (my family eats eggs fine), and I will continue to do that. Thank you for considering this! No worries about any “delay” and safe travels! So excited for you!
Megan says
Thank you Anna! Okay, when I get back I’ll have fun coming up with something! <3
Genie Vayda says
My question may seem quite naive at this point, but what about using the highest quality organic kefir or yogurt one has available?
I have an A-2 whole milk yogurt that is now to our health grocer, and very yummy. And I have options with local goat kefirs that are grass fed, of course.
Thanks – I would love to not add probiotics from a capsule, and personally avoid sauerkraut – too acid for my condition
Megan says
Yes, those are great options Genie! How neat that you have A2 yogurt and great that you can access local goat kefir! Ideally in both cases the animals are fed year round on grass or fermented feed etc, not grain. But as long as the products digest well for you, sounds good.
Genie Vayda says
Hi Megan,
I’m sorry, but another question for you. Would olive oil work just as well in this recipe? Is there a reason you did not include it?
I find it tastier than avocado oil, personally. Are you avoiding it as to the fact it will be heated directly by the griddle?
Megan says
Hi Genie, no problem! 🙂 Yes, it will work just as well, and I love it too. As long as it’s EVOO the heat is not an issue. Enjoy!!
Wendy says
Can I ferment the cassava with raw apple cider vinegar? What ratios do you use to ferment the cassava flour?
Megan says
Hi Wendy, yes, you can. Use 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in this recipe.
Suzanne Begin says
Is it possible to ferment cassava flour in a recipe that is “dryer” than your waffle batter? I tried your technique, i.e. using “sauerkraut juice” to ferment this wonderful “Ginger Loaf” recipe I have (recipe below). But the recipe calls for very little liquid overall, so the batter is kind of dry (and I can’t add the eggs until after 24-hour fermentation…). It didn’t seem to work, i.e. I didn’t see bubbles, which seems to imply that bacteria couldn’t circulate easily enough to ferment the batter…? I ran into a microbiologist who felt it should be possible, as long as I mix up the batter after a few hours to ensure the bacteria doesn’t “run out” of food to eat, in the dry batter where it’s harder for bacteria to move around. What do you think?
½ cup cassava flour
¼ cup arrowroot flour
¼ cup almond flour (or 50% almond flour / 50% tigernut flour)
¼ cup + 1/8 cup Lakanto sugar + 3 scoops stevia
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp baking soda (add later, after fermenting)
1 TBSP chopped ginger
½ cup grated carrot
½ cup grated apple
1/3 cup coconut butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs (add later, after fermentation)
Bake at 400 F for 40 minutes
Megan says
Hi Suzanne, fun question. Yes, I believe it will work as well. I would actually wait to add the Lakanto also, because it has antibacterial properties. So add it with the eggs and baking soda at the end. It would be great to ferment this in a clear container (glass bowl), if you have one large enough, so you could see the whole batter aerate and become sponge-like. (If not already – You can ferment on a warm seed sprouting mat, yogurt maker or nested over an Instant Pot set on the Yogurt setting, to keep it warm if you’re fermenting during cooler months.) I do not think you need to move the batter around. I hope it goes great for you!
Suzanne Begin says
Wow, lightening-fast response!!! Soooo helpful… Thank you much. Unfortunately, dieticians here are not familiar with this whole fermentation thing so I’ve been on my own trying to figure this out… But your page has many helpful posts and again, thanks for your expert tips. I will report back in a few days! 🙂
Megan says
Great Suzanne! 🙂
Jennifer says
Hello, Megan! I am new to your website and have just begun browsing your recipes. It’s exciting!
Thank you for sharing this delicious waffle recipe–I can’t wait to try it!
I was wondering, can the fermented cassava flour be used in recipes that call for cassava flour, or any other type of flour?
Also, do you have more recipes on your site that uses fermented cassava flour?
Thank you so much for your help, and Happy Holidays!
Megan says
Hi Jennifer, thanks and I’m so happy you’re here! 🙂 I’m not sure I fully understand your question – so part 1: can the fermented cassava flour be used in recipes that call for cassava flour, or any other type of flour? Do you mean, can you ferment other recipes that contain cassava flour? If so, the answer is yes, definitely. But I’m not sure if you mean that the flour itself is fermented. If so, we do not have a fermented dry flour, but rather a starter, a liquid ferment. Part 2: do you have more recipes on your site that uses fermented cassava flour? I do have other recipes or I link to recipes within this post and share how to create a ferment with the batter. For a specific recipe, I recommend the healthy, yummy Overnight Chocolate Muffins which is a super delicious recipe: https://eatbeautiful.net/2018/08/18/overnight-chocolate-muffins/ Blessings and happy holidays, too!!
Jennifer says
Hi Megan, thanks for such a speedy reply! 🙂
I think I was a bit confused about how cassava flour is fermented.
I thought the cassava flour was fermented separately first, before then being incorporated with the rest of the ingredients to make the batter.
From what I now understand, we are creating a batter that includes a starter (a liquid ferment) in order to ferment the cassava flour contained within it. Is that correct?
If so, does this mean whenever I wish to use cassava flour in a recipe, I must ferment it after its been combined with other ingredients? I think this is the question I should’ve asked.
I’m sorry for the confusion! Your response is helping me better understand this process of fermenting cassava flour!
Thanks, again!
Megan says
Hi Jennifer, happy to help! 🙂 Right, the batter is the liquid ferment. Whether or not you choose to always ferment cassava is up to you. If it’s used in a recipe that can be fermented, a batter, then it’s ideal. Some recipes are harder to ferment, so I wouldn’t worry about doing it every time, for example with a tortilla recipe. Hope that clarifies! 🙂
Jennifer says
Ah, got it! That definitely clarifies things. 🙂
Thank you so much for your help and for sharing your recipes! Can’t wait to try them. 🙂
Enjoy your day and the rest of the year!
Megan says
So glad. Happy new year too! 🙂
Nicole says
Can Apple cider vinegar be used in place of sauerkraut juice?
Megan says
Hi Nicole, you certainly can, but it will not break down antinutrients to the same degree as something with a higher probiotic count. It will, though, to some extent.
Lucia says
I have been making cassava flour waffles and now want to start fermenting the dough. I found a recipe online for making coconut milk kefir with 1/4 cup Aqua Water and letting it sit covered with cloth at room temp overnight. Do you you think this kefir would work for fermenting the dough? I have been avoiding dairy milk. I may also try using kombucha as I have seen someone else suggest. Thanks for the great ideas.
Cassie Deputie says
So our family is allergic to many things, including eggs and milk. Have you tried this fermented cassava recipe with replacements?
Megan says
Hi Cassie, replacing milk is really easy in recipes, but replacing eggs is more challenging. However, I have a great egg-free cassava waffle recipe that you can use, that’s also dairy-free! 🙂 You can also look at other recipes labeled “AIP” if you need egg-free, dairy-free in the future. 🙂 Hope these work great for you!: https://eatbeautiful.net/paleo-aip-cassava-flour-waffles-one-bowl-with-sourdough-variation/
Ilene says
I have been making your ice creams for a couple of years now and just discovered this recipe which is fascinating to me!! I read through the comments but there are so many, so forgive me if this has been asked and answered. Can I use a probiotic capsule to ferment and how would I go about doing that? Also can I use homemade yogurt made with a probiotic capsule in place of the raw milk? Canada does not allow the sale of raw milk (boo) so just wondering what I could use in it’s place. If I use kraut juice in coconut milk do you get a coconut taste? I am very excited to try this but with cassava flour being so expensive I don’t want to make a mistake! Thanks for a great recipe and idea!!
Megan says
Hi Ilene, I can’t say for sure that the probiotic will work, although I have used that method with fermented cheesecakes, nut butters and dairy-free yogurts, so it may be fine. There is no way to be sure without trying. If you try, just be sure your probiotic is one that is used for fermenting in general, because not all probiotics taste right or do a good job fermenting food. Here‘s a good one. In this case, I’d add it to room temp ingredients, and let the batter sit out for 4 hours before refrigerating it. Yes, subbing yogurt for the milk will also do the job nicely. If you use coconut milk, there will be that slight taste. Good luck. I hope you have fun and love the process. I don’t think you’ll make a mistake as the batter is pretty straightforward. (So glad you’ve been enjoying the ice creams on the blog!) 🙂