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A sometimes discouraging challenge arises for many of us when health circumstances lead us to adopt two restrictive diets at the same time. This post combines two diets: low-histamine and lectin-free (or low lectin), to help those who need to navigate grocery shopping and cooking (and eating!) with many new restrictions. This Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List article is meant to free up your mind a bit on the subject, reduce stress and help you make one more big step toward wellness.
This article also includes one very special recipe, by way of encouragement: Chicory Breve Latte! (Find it toward the bottom of this post.)
(Scroll down to get the low histamine & low lectin diet printable! ๐ )
My Story
For those of you who are curious, this is the diet I am doing right now! I had a recklessly healthy summer, and I exercised too much (because I felt great)! One day I went for a long jog (for me) when there was smoke in the air from nearby fires. The lymph nodes behind my ear swelled up, a rash broke out, my energy tanked … and I have never been the same since! I am doing SO much better now, but it took me tens of hours of research to understand what happened to my body. Now I will plod on to get well again. I should have been more careful. Now I know two triggers to be more careful of in the future!
Usually there is a silver lining, and in my case there is one too: My belly has never felt so good. All those years on the GAPS diet weren’t enough, because Dr. Natasha didn’t share about lectins. While it’s no walk in the park to eliminate them, my gut is healing in new ways, and for that I am grateful!
UPDATE!!! I am super encouraged and excited to share with you that I have a new breakthrough. The rash that started behind my ear ended up moving to different spots on my face. I won’t go into all of the details here, but suffice it to say that I’ve spent months researching how to overcome my histamine issue, extreme lectin sensitivity and rashes. Please read or scroll to the bottom of this post for the details of my breakthrough.
Low Histamine, Lectin-free Diet
Because of the work of Dr. Steven Gundry and his book, The Plant Paradox (find it here), knowledge about lectins and their link to leaky gut has spread. This news can be empowering when it leads to improved health. The work of Dr. Ben Lynch (here’s his book Dirty Genes) has helped many of us to find reprieve from onerous histamine intolerance symptoms. But ultimately, the two are related: Lectins can induce mast cell reactions, which cause histamine intolerance symptoms.
The key message to understand in reading about histamine intolerance is this: Look beyond it to the root cause, which is always leaky gut, an imbalanced gut microbiome, diet and usually additional factors like stress or environmental factors. With a low-histamine diet and this goal in mind, a lectin-free diet is the logical next step, sometimes and often paired with a healing diet like GAPS or AIP; (AIP already emphasizes the omission of lectins from one’s diet but GAPS does not). Healing the gut for many means … needing to remove lectins!
The work of Dr. Moneret-Vautrin also supports this conclusion. She is a professor of medicine in France and specializes in immunology and allergies. Although less well known in America, Dr. Moneret-Vautrin’s histamine studies link the healing of the gut and the reduction of one’s histamine threshold with eliminating legumes and grains, essentially lectins!
I have not included foods prohibited on these diets. Find lists for what not to eat on a lectin-free diet here and those to avoid for a low-histamine diet here. Over time, some of the prohibited foods may be reintroduced, by trial and error, one at a time, while other foods will remain triggers and should be avoided long term.
To read more about both of these diets and to find additional resources scroll to the bottom of this post.
In short and by way of introduction, lectins are proteins often found in foods containing seeds, with some exceptions. Lectins are also found in some roots and in early stage leaves. High histamine foods are usually aged. Foods that are not high in histamines themselves but that encourage mast cells to release histamines are also ones to avoid, as they may cause the same symptoms. Unfortunately these foods include favorites like cocoa and shellfish. But remember, oftentimes these foods may be added back into one’s diet after a period of regaining balance or healing leaky gut.
Ultimately that’s the goal with histamines: We should re-test our threshold regularly and keep a small to moderate amount of histamines in our diet, according to what our bodies can handle, always trying to keep food diversity.
Additional Note: A minority of patients who struggle with histamine overload or a sensitivity to lectins are also sensitive to salicylates. While this post won’t go into that arena, I have noted in the lists below in parenthesis when a food approved for being low in lectins and histamines has a high salicylate content, as it may provide good insight for some of you, as you track down your unique sensitivities.
The Combined Food List (Yes! Foods)
Algae Oil (This one was new to me, but it’s so good! Find it here. Use it like you would avocado oil, especially if you can’t have avocado oil.)
Avocado Oil
Coconut Oil
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
MCT Oil (Find it here.)
Perillo Oil (Find it here.)
Red Palm Oil
Sesame Oil
Walnut Oil
Virgin Cod Liver Oil (Find it here.)
Acceptable Nuts and Seeds in Moderation
No more than half a cup per day is recommended. Nuts and seeds (not including chestnuts which are already cooked) should always be soaked in salt water to make them more digestible. Learn how to soak nuts and larger seeds here. Learn how to “predigest” smaller seeds (like flax and hemp) here.
Flax seeds
Hemp seeds
Hulled Sesame Seeds
Brazil nuts
Blanched Almonds
FRESH fish only: any wild caught, up to 4 ounces per day (no shellfish)
Condiments & Miscellaneous
Sea salt (very important natural anti-histamine!)
ACV (safe for some and not for others)
Or use ascorbic acid + water to make a safe vinegar-like solution (Find great non-GM AA here.)
-Mix 5-1/2 teaspoons water with 1/2 teaspoon AA; stir to dissolve. (source)
Baking soda
Baking powder
Gelatin (may cause a histamine response for some)
Apples, fresh in season, (be cautious late winter through summer when they’re coming from cold storage)
Blueberries in season (sometimes high level of benzoates) and blackberries in season
A2 raw milk, preferably pasture-raised, must be very fresh (I find I tolerate it well for the first 5 days after milking.)
French or Kerrygold butter
Non-dairy Beverages
Unsweetened coconut milk
Chicory Herbal Coffee (Recipe here. [Scroll down for Chicory Breve Latte recipe!] Learn about prebiotics here.)
In support of enjoying chicory:
… mast cells are a source of histamine that could be preventing a low histamine, or histamine restricted diet, from working. Allergens, bacteria, viruses, parasites, stress, chemicals, pressure, vibration, heat, cold, all trigger the release of histamine from mast cells. So while minimizing histamine intake from foods might work in the short term, preventing mast cells from releasing histamine, and other inflammatory agents that compound the symptoms of histamine, is paramount (source)However, if you are sensitive to salicylates, it may be best to avoid chicory. Yasmina Ykelenstam, now deceased, but founder of HealingHistamine.com cautions those with histamine intolerance or MCAD to balance our plates: not too many foods with salicylates, some but not too many foods high in oxalic acid, not too many histamines etc. Balance is key long term. So chicory may be better for some than for others (source).
In other words, try out a small cup of chicory coffee, and see how you do! If your body can tolerate chicory coffee, it may be a true health food for you. I am thankful it’s a food my body loves, so it’s a treat I can have! We need to find those treats, so we’re content while we heal. Chicory is also a great prebiotic food and good for colon health.
Coconut sugar
Maple sugar
Maple syrup
Low Carb Sweeteners
Monk fruit
Hardwood-derived xylitol
Luo han guo
Green plantains
Green bananas
Baobab fruit
Sweet potatoes or yams (anti-histamine but high amounts of salicylates)
Parsnips (high amounts of salicylates)
Celery root
Jerusalem Artichokes
Taro roots
Tiger nuts
Green mango
Millet/Sorghum (thyroid suppressing effects, should not be eaten too often or if thyroid, adrenal or low energy issues are present)
Green papaya
Broccoli (high amounts of salicylates)
Brussels sprouts
Cauliflower (anti-histamine)
Bok choy
Napa cabbage
Chinese cabbage
Swiss chard
Arugula (anti-histamine)
Watercress (high amounts of salicylates)
Kale (anti-histamine)
Red Cabbage (anti-histamine)
Nopales cactus
Onions (some people have a histamine response to onions)
Carrot greens
Beets (high amounts of salicylates)
Daikon radishes
Jerusalem artichokes
Hearts of palm
Okra (natural lectin blocker)
Asparagus (anti-histamine)
Garlic (anti-histamine)
Leafy greens
Red and green leaf lettuce
Dandelion greens
Butter lettuce
Mustard greens
Parsley (anti-histamine)
Basil (high amounts of salicylates)
Mint (high amounts of salicylates)
Lemon Verbena
Rosemary (high amounts of salicylates)
Sage (high amounts of salicylates)
Tarragon (high amounts of salicylates)
Thyme (high level of benzoates [only an issue for some people] and high amounts of salicylates)
Oregano (high amounts of salicylates)
Mushrooms (avoid during elimination diet, may be fine afterward)
Fresh Meat: Grass fed and grass finished, 4 ounces per day
Wild game (venison, elk, boar etc.)
Other Fowl (duck, goose, quail etc.)
Pastured or omega-3 eggs (make sure whites are fully cooked; avoid during elimination diet, may be fine afterward)
Did I miss anything? Let me know! This was quite the list to assemble!
Briefly, while we’re on the subject, if you’re struggling with a histamine sensitivity, keep in mind that this state is not a diagnosis, but rather a symptom of mast cell activation disorder. While many of us can obtain relief from symptoms by reducing histamines in our diet, ultimately we should address the underlying cause. Nutrients and foods known to stabilize mast cells include prebiotics, probiotics, selenium, vitamin C, quercetin, bromelain, nettles, butterbur, peppermint, ginger, thyme, turmeric and holy basil (source).
As always, it’s also important to reduce stress, get enough sleep (if you can) and see a practitioner if you suspect heavy metals in your system.
Additional Resources
I spoke above about mast cells releasing histamines and that certain foods encourage this to take place. Conversely there are some supplements that discourage histamines from being released, which is certainly one of the broader goals in rebalancing the body after histamines have gotten out of control. Personally I have found one supplement to be the most helpful in reducing the release of histamines! It’s quercetin. (Find it here.) I take one capsule with each meal, and that supplement alone has made a huge difference for me.
Another great option is this supplement by Seeking Health (created by Dr. Ben Lynch) which adds additional similar support with nettles, bromelain and broccoli seed extract added to the quercetin. (I don’t take this one because my body doesn’t digest coconut oil well, and this pill contains a coconut derived product; otherwise I would.)
Vitamin C is also a great mast cell regulator. (Here’s a preferred source from Camu Camu berries. We take 1 teaspoon daily, minimum, which is about 700 mg. Vitamin C is flushed from the body quickly, so if it doesn’t cause loose stools, it may be ideal to take this dose twice daily. Consult your doctor for dosage.)
Need a best source for DAO?? DAO is the enzyme that breaks down histamines. I wouldn’t go without this supplement, what a blessing it has been to me! And I’m excited to share it with you because it’s 100% food-based, with just one ingredient: grass-fed kidneys (which are naturally very high in DAO). I LOVE this supplement. Find Ancestral Supplements Kidneys here. I take 6 capsules daily. (All other DAO supplements I’ve found contain many unneeded additives.)
I may write another post on overcoming histamine issues and fully healing leaky gut with lectin elimination. But for now I hope you find this article helpful. Honestly, cutting out so many foods was hard for me too!! (Especially cheese!, she said weeping … ) But alas, regaining our health is worth it!!
Much love, recovery of balance and wellness to you! ~ Megan
I’d love to hear your experiences too! Tell me about your process of diagnosing or recovering from lectin and histamine issues!
Here’s your Grocery List Printable! Or Pin it!
Ready for a healthy treat?! Here’s the Chicory Breve Latte recipe! Enjoy.
Low-Histamine & Lectin-free Grocery List AND Chicory Breve Latte Recipe {AIP, Paleo, Keto}
- saucepan
- In small saucepan combine milk and cream.
- Heat gradually over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until piping hot and steamy (about 5 minutes) but not yet simmering.
- Pour chicory coffee and half and half into large mug. Add optional honey or maple syrup, to taste. Enjoy!
Additional Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Have you already adopted a low histamine and low lectin diet? I’d love to hear about your wellness journey.
Here’s the encouraging update on my wellness journey:
After months of research, I discovered the concept of Vitamin A toxicity. I started the diet that corresponds, and within two weeks my face rash was gone. Although odd to swallow at first, I am fully on board now with this concept. I encourage you to be very open-minded, because if you want to be well badly enough, I think you’re going to have some serious aha moments!
Here’s the first of several articles I plan to write on the topic and the printable grocery list that corresponds with the diet. Please comment below that article if you want any clarifications about foods that are okay to eat or how to start the diet.
UPDATE: My histamine issue is now resolved because of the Vitamin A Detox diet! Huge and exciting!! ๐ I am about two months into the diet and expect continual overall health improvements (as well as ups and downs while my body detoxifies). I still eat low lectin but have introduced new foods in moderation from this list.
Here’s my latest post on the topic: MCAS, Histamine & Lectin Intolerance Recovery Tips.
Amy says
Hello, thanks so much for this info. I have high histamine levels and have been struggling with the diet because I have a reaction to meat, fowl and fish. I buy grass fed, range free, organic etc, but I still react. Either I just can’t eat it or I need a source where I can buy really fresh. Do you have a source for fresh meat and fish? Also, I thought blueberries were a big no no for histamine?
Megan says
Hi Amy, you’re welcome and thanks for your comment and question. Regarding berries, they’re naturally high in benzoates, and benzoates release histamine. Berries that are higher in benzoates tend to be strawberries, raspberries and cranberries (the red ones). Blueberries won’t be a problem for most people, but certainly as with all histamine releasing foods, it does vary person to person. Regarding meats, I’m so sorry for that inconvenience!! I do like U.S. Wellness Meats. Perhaps order one pound of frozen meat from them, and see how you do. Best wishes!
Megan says
One more detail about blueberries from Dr. Janice Joneya is this: it depends on the species, the ripeness of the blueberries and other factors. She says that in most cases blueberries are fine, but to proceed with that awareness.
Amy says
Can you suggest an “alternative milk” that is safe to use? I cannot have coconut milk (fruit allergy) and I was using hemp milk, but I read your article and it does not sound like that is a good alternative. Unfortunately, store bought ‘milks’ are so high in sugar. I will try and find raw almonds, but what do suggest?
Megan says
Hi Amy, it is so hard on us, isn’t it? My best milk is raw, A2, pasture-raised milk. Do you have any natural farmers around you? Or are you dairy-free and thus wanting an “alternative milk”? You could soak pecans or macadamia nuts …
Jackie says
I know this is an old post, but I’m just going to put this here in case people are still reading (I am).
All those items that you list are high in purines. Purines result in elevated uric acid which can combine
with other things and produce “crystals” much like oxalate crystals. Purines are usually related to gout,
but I can tell you that we react to them horribly here. The worst thing we ever tried was bone broth (very high
in purines) so it might actually be the purines that you are reacting to.
Megan says
Hi Jackie, thanks for your insights! This post is updated regularly, and has increasing readership with time, so it’s safe to assume a post that was first published a couple of years ago or more can be highly read and up-to-date with relevant information. I appreciate your mention of purines!
tessadomesticdiva says
Super interesting! I have some good friends that embarked on the The Plat Paradox diet recently, glad to understand it more!
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish says
I bought the book The Plant Paradox, but it’s been sitting since I bought it. I never got around to reading it but I did implement the diet for a short period of time. It might be something to revisit for me at a later time. I’m so glad you’ve found something that’s working well for you right now. I’m so sorry to hear about that flare – those nasty fires this summer. I love that you’re so in tune with your body and what you need. Lovely chicory latte too!
Renee Kohley says
Oye! I could have really used this about 3 years ago when I was struggling with histamines! This is a lot of info, but is going to be so helpful for so many! Going off histamines for a period of time really helped me! That drink looks fabulous – definitely want to try that!
Megan says
Thanks Renee! Me too: Years ago, going off of histamines temporarily was enough, but then this summer the issue got worse. Life can be full of setbacks! So happy your histamine levels are where they need to be, and may they stay there!! ๐
whatggmaate says
Wow, such a helpful list! And that chicory latte sounds so creamy and amazing.
Yang @ Yang's Nourishing Kitchen says
Megan, this is such a great post! I have been having issues with histamine foods for a while (I believe), although I never got a verdict from the doctors. I had been focusing on healing the gut and moderating the obvious triggering foods, and my symptoms had improved quite a bit. Now, you are amazing for putting together this list! Pinning it and I am going to refer back for shopping. I never knew squashes are problematic, and it’s going to be hard to live without avocados. I LOVE and eat a little too much of the foods on the no-go list sometimes, and I can definitely limit the amount in my diet.
Megan says
Hi Yang, thank you! I agree, so hard (and unexpected) to go without squashes and avocados! My sons both had symptoms that improved just going off of squashes, and I’ve been able to keep them on avocados occasionally. For me, no. As you probably know, we want to keep some level of histamine foods in our diet, kind of the limit of what our bodies can tolerate. I admire your health journey so much! Glad to be alongside you as we continue the process.
lindseyryongmailcom says
Yummy breve! And such a helpful list! In scrolling through it, I learned that rutabaga and parsnips are high in resistant starch, and I didn’t know that before! Good thing I just ordered 10 pounds of parsnips! I’m so glad you’re feeling better on this new diet!
Megan says
Ha, 10 pounds of parsnips sounds terrific!! Lately I’ve been eating them daily, so that sounds about right!
Joni Gomes says
So much good info here! I was especially eyeing the prebiotic list. Great that this is easily printable, thank you!
Jana says
How do you use the Acerola powder? And how often? I am thinking it would be a great addition for the upcoming cold/flu season that seems to already be in full force in my neck of the woods.
Thanks for another great article!
Megan says
Hi Jana, thanks and you’re welcome! ๐ I’m going to add some additional Vitamin C links as well, actually, because I found a study where one sensitive person had an allergic reaction to it due to latex cross contamination. So while that was extremely rare, I’m going to add another two options. But, with acerola powder, it is great in a beet (cooked fully, then frozen or chilled) + blueberry smoothie! ๐ You can also just stir it into some water and swallow! ๐ Or it could be stirred into a millet porridge. Their scoop makes it confusing, but it seems that 3/4 teaspoon gives you 750 mg which is the recommended daily dosage for Vitamin C by many holistic doctors.
Raia Todd (@RaiasRecipes) says
Oh boy, I’m sorry you are having to go through even more issues! There’s always so much to learn and think about. I hope sticking to this helps you! Thanks for sharing all your research with us.
Karen Kelly says
Wow, this is so interesting and full of helpful tips. You sound like you are so in tune with your body and I love that you have found a diet that works for you.
Carol Little R.H. @studiobotanica says
WoW. So sorry that you have had more issues/challenges. What a fabulous post. I will definitely pin and share ~ Remembering the first time I heard about lectin – so interesting. So pleased that you are feeling better + better! xo
I made parsnips soup yesterday and Jerusalem artichokes last weekend.. Yum.
Megan says
Thank you Carol!! Much love! Mmm, your veggie foods sound lovely!! (I have been eating SO many more veggies on this diet.)
ChihYu Smith says
Wow! This is so helpful. Thanks so much for taking the time to put this list together and I’m glad to hear you are feeling better, too!
Megan says
Thank you ChihYu! <3
Anne Lawton says
So much good information in this post. thanks for sharing.
Kari says
Wow this is really incredible! Also so sorry to hear you’ve not been feeling well, I really struggled through a bad fire season as well and I’m just now starting to pull out of it – something about no fresh air for 6 weeks really affects your body!
Megan says
Thank you Kari! I know, right? Boy am I going to be super intentional in all future years when smoke sweeps into our valley! I’m glad you are improving now! xo!
Kiran Smith says
WOW! What a fantastic list. I’m really into the lectins these days and i love how you have broken this down to make it that much easier. Pinning and saving this!
Megan says
So glad Kiran, thanks! I must say, once a person is willing to entertain the idea of getting rid of lectin-containing foods from their diet, it’s hard not to be “into” them, as you say! This insight really is a key to wellness for so many people! … even though it’s a disappointing reality to be sure.
Linda says
Please add more recipes for people dealing with histamine and lectin issues. I have been so confused for so long. I have so many yes lists and no lists. I just need some basic and good tasty recipes. Thanks
Angie says
I am new to your site today, when I did a google search for “gaps and lectin-free”. Thank you for writing up this list! I did a very strict GAPS intro a few years ago. My digestive systems drastically improved, I lost weight, and overall felt better than I had in a long time. However, I have chronic joint pain and that did not go away ever. I just discovered the lectin thing and I thought I’d try GAPS+lectin-free to see how that would do for my joints (it’s my biggest complaint). Also, my daughter (3 yrs) is seemingly reacting to something and I think it might be histamines.
Ideally, I’d like to start with an elimination diet for all of us (my husband is on board with any diet that includes good quality whole foods); then we’d try to add things back and see who does well with what. I’m wondering if you have any advice for us… Right now I’m thinking GAPS+lectin-free+histamine-free, and trying that for a time.
I’m new to your site, so I don’t know if you’ve ever had joint pain. But I thought I’d check to see if you know how much time I should give a new diet, to see if it would work for me? I was on GAPS intro for about six weeks last time, and didn’t notice any change in my joints. My thought is we’d try a very restrictive diet until my daughter’s skin clears up, then we’d add things back for her (she’s generally very healthy) as quickly as possible to increase her nutritional variety. For me, I’d like to figure out what is causing my joint pain – and if it can be improved by diet, I’d stay on that diet for as long as it takes for full improvement.
Megan says
Hi Angie, welcome here! and thanks for the comments and question. Speaking from our own family’s experience, our joint pain has gone away quite quickly, just a few days, when we pulled out the inflammatory triggers. Sometimes a supplement has been helpful too. Best wishes in your process!
Cynthia Clingan says
Thanks for the info! Another food based dao source I learned about recently: pea shoots.
Professor Colby Glass says
What about bamboo shoots and water chestnuts. I have not been able to find anything online. Thank you so much… Love your lists.
Bethany says
What about tallow and lard, are they low histamine?
Megan says
It depends how sensitive an individual is. In short: No, they’re not. But as someone challenges all the foods, some will find they can tolerate meat fats. So it varies person to person, but to begin with, they are not low histamine and can certainly trigger symptoms.
Christopher Aspinall says
This is fantastic. To someone who suffers with both lectins and histamine as well as salicylates), this is invaluable.
Thank you so much.
Megan says
I’m so glad it’s helpful. You’re welcome. ๐
Nathan says
Thanku so much for all your information
Joellyn says
My son and I both have MAO A R297R gene snp. After reading so much about this it seems we have an issue with histamine build up and the inability to get it out of our system because we don’t make an enzyme that does that for us. My 23 year son has been experiencing so many negative health issues regarding this…the doctors even thought he had MS at one point, but so far that is not the issue. All my research has lead me to so many places, we implement Dr Gundry and Walhs protocols and feel better, but not completely, not I believe it’s the histamine producing foods. Would salicylates be a problem as well for us, or just histamine foods? We are currently including natural anti-histamine products as well, nettle, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), Glycine,Glutamine, what do you think about those? . I’m hoping this new list of foods low in histamine will help. Thank you.
Christopher Aspinall says
Hi Megan,
Do you have any thoughts on apple cider vinegar in relation to histamine/lectins and even salicylates??
Best wishes,
I was put on a low oxalate diet. My doctor also suggested low lecitin and salicytes too…I am depressed. I lost weight after going on the low oxalate diet…I am not able to gain it back. I live in Washington state and would like to know if there is a professional that could help me with this problem here?
Megan says
Hi Melissa, for depression I recommend you look into neurofeedback. There are lots of practitioners. It’s been life changing for me and several of my loved ones. Just Google NF practitioners in your area. If you’re anywhere near Kenmore or Seattle, I love this doctor: https://eastsidenaturalmedicine.com/dr-kim-kelly/ Best wishes!
Amber says
Just stumbled on your site. It’s full of awesome info! Thank you. I’m not seeing how to print the low lectin-low histamine shopping list though. Is there a trick to it? Thanks so much!
Megan says
Hi Amber, happy you found Eat Beautiful! Thank you! To print, click on the bright pink words above the printable. This will open up the printable in a new page by itself. Then click on File on your computer to open up the Print option. Click on that, and print. At least that’s how it works on my Mac. Main thing is to click on the bright pink, and then your computer’s Print option. Hope that helps!
Liz says
Hello, Megan.
Would you happen to have the list without any graphics? Graphics drain my ink supply, and as a teacher, I need to conserve every resource. Thank you.
Noele says
Thank you so much for posting this. In the last year, I discovered the histamine level in my blood was at 13 when high-end of normal was 8.
This past month, I’m discovering the high cost of eating lectins. You’ve combined both of these on your page and I’m very grateful.
Megan says
I’m so happy to hear this Noele. Thank you for sharing and best wishes! I’ll be adding another post in the next week or so as well to watch for, that shares what I’ve used to overcome my histamine and lectin issues.
Sue says
Hello, I am very naive on this subject. I am allergic to antihistamines. Each time I have tried them (even non sedating) I have been violently ill leading to migraines and hallucinations – only ending after I am physically sick.
Is the same as histamines found in food and drink? I have never enjoyed wine or champagne and learned that they often contain histamines.
Is a diet low in lectin good for people who are allergic to anti histamines?
Thank You
Megan says
Hi Sue, thank you for your question. When our bodies have adverse reactions, it is wise to look deeper into the root cause. You might enjoy this article on vitamin A toxicity: https://eatbeautiful.net/2019/06/23/vitamin-a-detox-diet-free-printable-food-lists-avoid-eat-toxicity/ Removing lectins can help to remove an aggravating group of foods, but there is usually something else going on as well. Best wishes in your health journey.
Barbara Gennaro says
Lechtin free low FODMAP food list
Carmen Baez says
Hi Megan,
Can you post about healthy The Leaky Gut .
Thanks Carmen
Jeanie Malone says
Hi Megan, I am curious to what extent is it okay to have citrus fruits in a low histamine and low lectin diet. Does removing the seeds and cooking them lower the levels enough to make them safe in this type diet? I stopped eating citrus completely for about two years due to histamine (before I ever heard of lectins) and just recently reintroduced it and now eat it, peeling and all, and it really seems to be helping draw some inflammation from my body, mainly my joints. However my lymph nodes in my neck are still like big golf balls sticking out and my skin is still berserk-neither has gotten worse or improved with the recent reintroduction of citrus, so I wonder if they are okay and if even safer when cooked.
Many thanks for sharing your awesome grocery list; I am going to print it before I get groceries this week!
Jeanie Malone
Megan says
Hi Jeanie, re lectins, lemons are considered lectin-free, including the peel. Dr. Gundry advocates for eating all citrus fruits (except pineapple) in moderation. He discusses the polyphenols in citrus fruits and their many benefits. Re histamines, citrus fruits are considered histamine liberators (except grapefruit on some lists). These fruits are best to limit, but have different effects on different people, as with the whole histamine experience. If you are not reacting to citrus, they may be fine for you. I don’t know about the compounds reducing when cooked. Re your lymph nodes, I’m so sorry! I used a homeopathic in small doses to get mine moving, as well as lymphatic massage and other detox methods. Perhaps you can find a good N.D. or functional doc to help you with this? I also link to an article (above) I wrote on the steps I took, if that’s helpful. Best wishes and much love in your journey!! ๐ Here’s the article: https://eatbeautiful.net/mcas-histamine-lectin-intolerance-tips/
Jeanie Malone says
Thanks so much Megan! I am ordering the Histaminum… tomorrow and want to be sure you get the credit for the sale. I followed the link to Amazon and am so thankful to find that the supplement is Bert affordable. To ensure you get the sale credit, do I just purchase the first offer to come up (and not click on the alternative offers)? Thanks again! I am also going to try the low vitamin A diet to see if that helps. Thirteen years ago, desperate for relief from my skin issues, I was in the week of only apple/carrot sustenance on the AcneNoMore diet when my entire body, all systems began shutting down. I had to be rushed to medical care and was stabilized and told not to do that diet any longer or again. A few years later when many systemsโ symptoms became too much again, I sought help as many times before at a local herb store. I was given a supplement of extremely high doses of โDry A.โ I only got sicker on this and the colloidal silver given along with it. At first I thought it was just what the herbalist warned aboutโmy body getting rid of stuff and reacting but in a good, progressive manner. I kept getting weaker and sicker and stopped the supplement. I recovered somewhat after that. And now I take a mushroom blend supplement specifically for liver support as well as milk thistle and often use a supplement called โThe Cleanerโ to keep my liver functioning better since looking at an anatomy diagram and figuring my liver was where I kept having sharp, debilitating pains that would subside and return. Iโve been to so many doctors and have so many specialists and take a cabinet full-about fifty pills daily-of supplements. Those supplements have been a tremendous help, as a few months ago, I seriously wondered if I would live. Now I am pursuing some teaching certifications I had let expire and plan to work as a teacher this summer and next school year. However, it seems ridiculous to continue taking so many supplements. I am excited to try the Histaminum and will let you know how that and the low vitamin A and low histamine and lectin free dieting works for me. You are an amazing humanitarian for sharing all your insight and research with fellow sufferers. Thanks so much!
Jeanie Malone
Megan says
Hi Jeanie, thank you for sharing! It is easy for me to relate to you, and I’m super happy you found a couple of new resources. I hope the detox diet is key for you! It’s amazing to hear similar stories in the VAD community, people who have supplemented with vitamin A and end up having extreme symptoms. Just to clarify, the histaminum is great, but it’s just for preventing and reducing histamine flares. I’m not sure if I was unclear which homeopathic for lymph drainage? If so, I meant this one: Basic Detoxification & Drainage Kit by Pekana. It needs to be diluted in water, just 1 drop to start, and taken with the histaminum, to prevent a histamine flare, but when I figured out the dosage, it emptied my swollen lymphs quickly … so for what it’s worth, in case that was a misunderstanding. Best wishes as you begin low vitamin A, and I’m happy to help if you have any questions!
Kevin Berggren says
Your list includes maple syrupโฆ Gundryโs list excludes itโฆ thoughts?
Megan says
Hi Kevin, great question. Dr. Gundry recommends the sweeteners that contain prebiotic fibers and are free of lectins. Sweeteners like inulin are a great food for feeding gut bacteria and fit both of his qualifications. My list is looking at lectins and low-histamine foods combined, so a slightly different focus. I’m not sure if Dr. Gundry is aware of this study, however: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27612524 wherein inulin was detected in maple syrup. Nonetheless, maple syrup can feed unhealthy gut bacteria, and it is not a major source of prebiotics. Many who need my list are not trying to get off of all sugars (even natural ones like maple syrup); they are trying to find relief from symptoms caused my lectins and histamines. Perhaps down the road, these folks may be interested in also giving up sugars for prebiotic sweeteners, but their first focus is reducing the autoimmune response and sealing leaky gut. Certainly prebiotic sweeteners can be a good sub in this process for some, as long as bloating doesn’t occur. So maple syrup can be a good halfway point if other issues are present that are exacerbated by prebiotics or if it’s just too much too soon to get rid of all non-prebiotic sweeteners (emotionally). Hope that helps to clarify. ๐ Also, Dr. Gundry’s principle is “retreat from sweet”, so that’s the long term goal for best health. ๐
Cindy says
Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble on “grass fed” but in America, the beef industry lobbyists paid off the government to let them write the rules for what constitutes “grass fed”. And this is it: Animals can be fed GMO grains for up to a year and still be labeled as “grass fed”. And interestingly, most cows are butchered for their meats around the 1 year mark. So, they have been fed GMO grains for their entire short lives, are labeled as “grass fed” and cost us several dollars more per package to boot.
For sure, this is what you’ll find when buying Walmart’s “grass fed” products. The only place to hopefully be assured something is truly 100% grass fed, is to buy it directly from a farmer you trust.
Bazia Ann Zebrowski says
Erythritol is made by fermenting corn. I can’t understand how it can make a low histamine list? https://healthfully.com/22548-erythritol-made.html
Megan says
Hi Bazia, and thanks for the question. Not all fermented foods produce histamines. If you’re concerned, though, certainly choose a different sweetener such as stevia or coconut sugar in moderation.
Kay says
Great discussion, however, for me oxalates is also a big problem as too. My lectin, oxalate, and histamine issue is so bad that it causes resistant hypertension, which landed me in the ER multiple times, that I cannot keep count. Do you have any recipes for all 3 issues: lectins, oxalates, and histamines combined? Thank you.
Megan says
Hi Kay, I think this recipe will work well for you: https://eatbeautiful.net/low-histamine-instant-pot-chicken-sweet-potato-stew-paleo-aip/ You WILL need to sub out the sweet potatoes for another veggie or mushrooms. Let me know if that doesn’t work, but at first glance, I think it will be a nice versatile recipe for you. You can vary it a bit from time to time too, based on your Yes food list.
Auset Luceus says
Ireland has been mixing their dairy products with A1 dairy to maximize profits. I would not recommend Kerrygold. I used to be able to use their products until they made the switch. President butter (which is imported from France) and Deliria buffalo butter is a better choice. The 3 countries that have not made the switch is France, Italy, and Switzerland. All of the other European countries are now using A1.
Megan says
Hi Auset, thank you for your contributions of information. When did you notice a switch with Kerrygold? I emailed them a few years ago at which time they were transparent with me that they had a mixed-breed herd, part A2, part A1. Because I am very sensitive and don’t react at all to their butter (it is nourishing for me), I have continued to support the company. Usually I only trust French dairy (for cheese, for example). I have not done well with Italian butter or other European brands. My body needs both A2 and pasture-raised. I suspect that other European dairy companies are using grains, to supplement grass, that are not fermented or sprouted. A2 dairy that isn’t fed on pasture is also inflammatory, so we have to watch out for both forms of husbandry.
Delores Mann says
I notice that you have histamines and lectins covered which is real good. I also have issues with oxalates and EBV. What are your suggestions with these along with histamines and lectins? Are there any food resources out there that we can order safe to eat?
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Many thanks
Dawn says
Great article but was surprised to see eggs and mushrooms on the list?
Megan says
Hi Dawn, thanks! I’ve added a note: “(avoid during elimination diet, may be fine afterward)”. It depends what lists you look at; both of these worked for me even during elimination. But good point!
Maria-Christina says
Thank you!
Sally says
Hi Megan,
I thought I read something about avoiding eating leftovers if one is dealing with histamine intolerance. Is this true? If so, why? I eat leftovers daily, and I especially enjoy leftover dinner meats on my salad the following day.
Megan says
Hi Sally, yes, this is true. Histamines increase over time (with age), especially on meat or proteins. If you don’t feel they’re a problem for you, everyone’s bodies respond differently to histamines, so wouldn’t that be nice for you if you didn’t have to deal with that aspect. ๐ This is why aged meats, cured meats, fermented foods etc are all out on a low histamine diet.
Helenmar Williamson says
I’d like to see a list of grains. Can I eat any grains on a low-histamine diet?
Megan says
Hi there, the reason you don’t find grain lists for low-histamine diets is they’re not typically a problem. Sometimes a fermented bread (or aged flour) could cause a problem, but overall, grains are low histamine and should not cause a flare. So, good news there, but watch bread a little, just in case. In regard to aged flours, watch out for baking mixes, bleached flours, sometimes coconut flour, cocoa powder, gluten, preservatives and packaged meals, like rice meal.
Greg says
Great info. I would add that mint (or specifically peppermint) makes my face break out in welt hives. I read elsewhere that it is high in salicylates, you labeled some spices this way, but not mint. it was actually the key to figuring out what my problem was, a cup of plain pure peppermint tea that was called “safe” for histamines and oxalate intolerance…. but not safe for everything. thanks again!!
Megan says
Hi Greg, that’s super helpful; thanks for the addition! I’ll update the post accordingly! ๐
nathalie roy says
I am getting confused between your blogs because of the dates. I could say that I have followed the same path as you (for same reasons) bringing me to the plant paradox… Recently reading on oxalates. Leading me to your blogs on low histamine & oxalate foods diet or low histamine foods diet & lectin free, from them to your vitmain A toxicity theory! The protocol is not clear between your blogs, could it be the process of all these diets combined follow by the VA theory that healed you or I starting right away with the VA theory is the more effective way, Meaning skipping the low histamine & oxalate foods diet & lectin free? Do you still cooked your food to have them lectin free (soak/cook-pressured) and/or oxalate reduced (steamed) in your VA theory?
Megan says
It depends on your symptoms. If I had a histamine intolerance or oxalate sensitivity, I would still reduce these while beginning the low vA diet. I do still pay attention to lectins, personally, but I no longer need to reduce histamines. I keep a medium oxalate diet. Thankfully, the low A diet is already low in some aggravating compounds, partially due to peeling certain produce items and then the bigger emphasis on beef than any other staple. But starting low histamine was very helpful, and most beef is high in histamines due to being aged.
Nicole says
Thank you so much for your post. Ive just recently been battling eczema for the first time in my life and its gotten pretty bad… Ive been reading books and loads of articles and Im confused on diet…
I read both links you provided for lectin-free diet and low-histamine diet.
Foods I question are anything that is made out of or contains or is ….
Gluten free flour?
Roobios tea?
Spearmint tea?
Some places say these are ok and others don’t and I’m really trying to figure out what is what.
Megan says
Hi Nicole, did you also read the article I link to on going on a low vitamin A diet? For eczema, that is the route I’d look into the most. There are so many people in that group who came in with that issue, and it resolves, that and more. I believe it’s the underlying issue, and these other diets help, but the low A diet resolves it all. It’s what helped me to become symptom-free in 2 weeks on the diet, and able to re-introduce foods.
To double check on foods with lectins, use Gundry’s list, to be sure on each of these. For histamines, each person is different, so you’ll need to gently be sure for your own body. And, I would use my list as your jumping off place for both of these categories. With that in mind, avocados and apples are out, all grains are out, so no oats or GF flours, walnuts are out, rooibos tea is out, mint tea is high in salicylates, so it will trigger some people and not others. Basically, all the foods you list are No foods.
Jose says
Hi Megan,
One thing I practice is intermittent and extended fasting as well as eating anti inflammatory foods like the ones you have on your lists. I’ve found out that this combo has benefited me tremendously and I thought I would share my experience to you and others.
Megan says
Thanks for sharing, Jose!
Silvia says
Hi Megan! Would hearts of palm be ok in the GAPS diet? I can’t find that listed anywhere…
Megan says
Hi Silvia, they would be okay on their own, but packed in citric acid, not so much. So sorry for the late reply; your comment got squashed with others somehow!
Kristin says
I Don’t understand why apples aren’t allowed as they’re included in Dr. Gundry’s list and are low histamine?
Megan says
Hi Kristin, good point; I’m not sure why I overlooked them. I’m going to add them, thank you! … however, one point for all readers to keep in mind with apples and histamines: fresh apples are indeed low histamine, so for about 3 months out of the year, but those coming from cold storage the rest of the year give some people symptoms. So, be cautious later winter through summer with apples.
Hugo says
Hi Meghan,
Thank u so much for this article. I love it.
Did you write the article regarding ” overcoming histamine issues and fully healing leaky gut with lectin elimination”. I would love to see that article.
Megan says
Hi Hugo, you’re welcome. I believe you’re talking about this article; Yes, I wrote it and hope you find it helpful: https://eatbeautiful.net/mcas-histamine-lectin-intolerance-tips/
Sheree says
Hello Megan,
Great article, thank-you!
Is there any chance you have taken your Low-Histamine AND Lectin-free Combined Food List and removed (or highlighted) anything with oxalates? That is the kind of list I need. ๐
Megan says
Hi Sheree, hopefully this will help. It’s a Low Histamine + Low Oxalate List, and you can cross reference it with this list. https://eatbeautiful.net/low-histamine-low-oxalate-food-list-printable/
Jules says
How do you keep weight on? I am struggling to eat enough calories – too much olive oil or coconut oil raises my cholesterol too much. I am eating extreme quantities of organic zucchini and pastured chicken (my gut won’t tolerate most foods). Already doing no grains, nuts, soy, dairy, gluten, corn, nightshades, alcohol, sugars and can’t tolerate any fats or starch or natural-sugars in foods (carrots, fruit etc.).
Megan says
Hi Jules, that is hard, it’s true, when you can’t tolerate carbs well. Typically the best way to increase weight is to eat carbs and fat in the same meal. I would brainstorm if there are any carbs you can have, AND I’d assess your views on cholesterol to make sure they match with a functional medical or naturopathic view on those numbers. Here’s my favorite doctor if you want a new perspective on blood work, and he’s excellent with diet: https://nutritiondetective.com/ Can you have pasture raised beef that’s low histamine? If it’s helpful: White Oak Low Histamine Beef โ You can use the code BEAUTIFUL at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Then, as mentioned: assess views on cholesterol to see if you can add in a little more fat, and look closely at all possible carbs to see if one or more will work. I think Dr. Smith could be a big help for you.
Diane says
Thank you for article. I found it amazing as my journey for answers whilst eating a super healthy diet and having unexplained issues has been proven to me by what you are saying. Please people take note of the article its super important. I am so much better though wish people were made more aware of google searches on diets and foods and how wonderful they are. They are sometimes not so but silent destroyers of our bodies for years. I now on low lectin, oxalates, histamine, carbohydrates and do extensive research on the down and good side of everything I eat. I only buy biodynamic prefer over organic or natural. Never buy any bought meals, breads, extracts, make all myself if possible. Its a sellers market out there for hoodwinking. I was recently only aware that Stevia unless just leaves is highly processed this not on packet of course. So all went into bin where it belongs. It takes time to do but a joy to see my children being hopefully taught. Thank you once again.
Megan says
I’m so glad it’s helpful, Diane.
Sarah says
Thinking about A2 milk option: what do you think about A2 half and half which doesnโt have vitamins added? The brand I bought isnโt organic Or raw but I think it would cause less issues? Any info is greatly appreciated โบ๏ธ
Megan says
Personally, I believe it’s just as important that it’s grass-finished. So A2A2 and pasture-raised. I’m afraid there are now some A2 products out there that are dubious. When I’ve tested them on my own body, I get skin symptoms. It depends how desperate you are to keep dairy in your diet. I think it would be better to find a safe non-dairy milk than to choose a dubious A2 product.
Sarah says
That was my hunch too! Yes, needing to rid dairy is best! Thanks so much!!
Megan says
You’re welcome. ๐
Nan says
Hi Megan,
I came across your website last year when I was researching what could be causing issues with my face and neck skin – it is sort of a rash, sort of medium-size rough, dry patches, but also involves dense, beardy, unusual hair growth in those areas (even on my neck). (I’m a menopausal female, not on any hormone treatment, who had never had facial hair issues in the prior 50-some years of my life).
I had already figured out, due to a couple of weeks of innocently trying out some new vegetables I’d never had before, such as chard (which I had an immediate and terrible skin reaction to), and then after months of testing various things, that there seemed to be something about foods (or supplements) containing more than a small amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, selenium, and/or zinc that made those places on my face and neck much worse (quickly – in a few hours, or overnight).
I have 2 tablespoons of avocado (vit E) — yep, I get those patches. I have 3 small slices of frozen carrots (boiled) (vit A) — patches. I have a combined magnesium, B6, and zinc (7 mg) capsule — patches. I have a spoonful of braised spinach (vit A) — patches. You get the idea.
I have avoided A, E, zinc, and selenium for a year, and it’s not getting any better. About once every 3 months, I’ll throw a couple of slices of frozen carrot into a serving of frozen broccoli that I make for my dinner, to test my skin’s reaction, but the reaction now is quicker and stronger than it was last year. I don’t know why this is occurring, because I had thought that the body’s stores of A and E reduce naturally.
Anyway, my diet is limited in all sorts of other ways – can’t have gluten, can’t have most other grains, have a big reaction to lectins in a wide variety of foods, am allergic to shellfish — plus, to help address a serious health issue, I am now on a “therapeutic ketogenic diet”, with about 25 net carbs a day and only moderate protein.
The reason I’m writing you this note here in this thread — I was doing an online search tonight for “jicama lectins” and this page came up. I was already familiar with this page, having read and bookmarked it last year when I was trying to figure out why my skin was freaking out from natural levels of Vitamin A in “healthy” foods. I have never tried jicama before, but I saw a mention of it by Dr. Gundry and it looks like something that I could fit into my very-low-carb ketogenic diet, but I looked it up and saw that it’s from the pea/bean/legume family, and I tend to have a horrible reaction to (apparently the lectins in) foods from the pea/bean/legume family, so I wanted to see if any online sources besides Dr. Gundry’s talked about jicama and lectins. You also seem to say that jicama is low in lectins, as do the other sources I found tonight — however, I think everyone else was using Dr. Gundry as the original source, ha ha! So the only thing I can do is try it, and see how I feel the next morning, because foods with certain lectins always make my joints ache during the night after I eat them, and the next morning, in a tell-tale way.
But — I quickly scrolled down your comments, to see if there were any “new” comments that I had not seen when I read this page last year, and I saw the most recent reader comment, and your reply, on A2 milk.
The recent introduction of A2 milk in my backwards region of the US (it’s only been in the stores for maybe 9 months) has been so exciting for me, because I love dairy foods, and with all my other food limitations, it is so good to have something that I can eat. Several years ago, I began to have bad reactions to the normal dairy milk, even organic, that is available to me here, and I had heard Dr. Gundry talk about A2 milk, but it was not available here. Then, one day I found it in a local supermarket, and I was so excited! I tried it, and it did not give me digestive problems. So, I began using it in my daily diet (note: that was before I had to go on the keto diet and seriously limit carbs). And the weird thing was, my skin problems on my face and neck, which I have narrowed down to being caused by dietary Vit A, Vit E, zinc and selenium, began to get worse and worse, even though I wasn’t eating ANY foods that had anything but a small amount of those 4 micronutrients in them. I momentarily eliminated more and more foods, trying to find out what was causing the skin patches to get worse — and eventually I realized it was the A2 milk!
But the label of the A2 milk says, “ingredients: milk, vitamin D”. So I thought, “How can this milk cause me the bad Vitamin A skin problems?” I looked at the nutrition facts label of the milk, and it said, “Vitamin A 15% of daily value”. And I thought, “Wait, how can 8 ounces of this milk have 15% of the daily value of Vit A, when milk does not naturally have much Vit A in it?” So I went to the company website and found their contact details. I wrote them a message via their website, asking if they added Vitamin A to their whole A2 milk. They prevaricated, sending a bland reply like, “our milk is healthy and has added Vit D and is from A2 cows etc.” so I wrote back, and said, “Please let me know specifically if you add Vitamin A to your milk, because I am getting a skin rash from it that I only get from Vitamin A, and I do not understand how your nutrition label says 1 cup of this milk contains 15% DV of Vit A, when milk naturally does not contain much Vit A.” And the customer service person wrote me back and said, “YES, WE ADD EXTRA VITAMIN A TO OUR WHOLE A2 MILK.” I replied, “Why oh why do you not put that in the “ingredients” area on the carton? You have in the ingredients area that you add Vitamin D to the milk; surely it is a law that you need to add to the ingredients area that you add artificial Vitamin A to the milk!!”
Of course, I stopped drinking the milk right away. I had previously spent months avoiding Vit A in foods, only to get re-inundated with it from drinking that brand’s A2 milk, which they secretly add artificial Vit A.
I wrote the company back and asked them if they add Vitamin A secretly to their half-and-half, and they wrote back that they do not, that the only thing in their half-and-half is cream and whole milk, no Vitamin A or Vitamin D. And the nutrition facts label does not have any (or maybe a very low) % of Vit A or Vit D on it. So I tried their half-and-half, and it does not seem to cause me to have the weird skin patches, so I think they are telling the truth with that product, at least.
Anyway, Megan, I bet that this is why YOU have had “skin symptoms” with A2 milk, which you commented to another reader in their post above this one! It’s because they are adding artificial Vitamin A in the milk, and they are not putting it in the ingredients area of the label, but it does show up in the Nutrition Facts box! That is the A2 company milk, it’s the biggest one in the US.
15% DV in only 8 ounces of milk is quite a lot of artificial Vitamin A for sensitive people to contend with — and could be quite harmful to babies and toddlers if they drink a lot of milk.
A few months ago, a “health food” kind of store in my area (in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the US) began to carry a different brand’s A2 milk. It is organic, pastured, etc., from Oregon I think, and it’s called Alexandre, and it is SO GOOD. They do not add anything to the milk, the ingredients is just “milk”. That health food store in my area is the only store in my entire state that stocks that brand of A2 milk, so it’s kind of a battle to find it in the store, but I’m always happy when I do. I even fit it into my therapeutic keto diet, by measuring out 20 grams of it here and there to have (and to savor!) You probably live in a more “civilized” area than I do, so maybe you can find that brand where you live — I would encourage you to try it!
But please, be aware that the “leading brand” of A2 milk with the 15% of Vit A in the nutrition facts label but no mention of it in the ingredients area of the label is ADDING ARTIFICIAL VITAMIN A TO THEIR MILK WITHOUT PUTTING IT IN THE INGREDIENTS LIST.
Megan says
Hi Nan, thank you for sharing!! Yes, I love Alexandre brand heavy cream. It’s the only brand I use. I should add that all milk has vitamin A, even when it’s not added. I avoid all milk for that reason. But I do allow myself up to 2 tablespoons of A2A2 Alexandre brand heavy cream a day. ๐ Have you already read the post about vitamin A’s toxicity? I assume you have, but if not, that post will also lead you to Dr. Smith and his LYL forum. It may be an excellent resource for you. Good job figuring out “innocently” what foods are bothering you. In Dr. Smith’s videos on YouTube, and in his forum etc, you can learn even more about zinc, copper, vitamin E and A etc if you want to understand even more why these compounds affect you the way they do. One detail to be aware of is that we need zinc to detox copper, but for some people, any extra zinc is too much, because it increase the detox of copper… a helpful and insightful rabbit hole to go down, as copper is the real culprit for so much of what we seek to overcome and improve. https://eatbeautiful.net/vitamin-a-detox-diet-free-printable-food-lists-avoid-eat-toxicity/ Blessings and best!! ๐