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How 5G Affects Autoimmune Diseases is an article for those most affected by EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) — those of us with pre-existing health challenges or autoimmune diseases.
This article includes:
- the risks of 5G
- potential symptoms
- solutions and tips for overcoming health challenges — protecting yourself from the increased electrosmog of 5G
As of January 2022, new 5G services have been deployed. This means: antennas that were in place are now turned on.
No doubt exists about the various health dangers related to the 5G network. What’s most important now is: If you have an autoimmune disease or struggle with your health, how do you protect yourself from its damaging effects?
My story
I delayed worrying or planning for 5G remediation because my life was already so busy, and full of wellness modalities.
But this last week, when new 5G antennas were turned on in our area, new discouraging symptoms appeared for me immediately! Radiation increased out of my laptop, causing numbness, tingling, weakness and joint pain in my fingers and wrist.
It was finally time to research and act, as I knew I’d have to one day.
Yes, EMF radiation will affect most people in the coming years. And if you have an autoimmune disease, or more than one, you are likely more susceptible to new health struggles because of it.
What is electrosmog
Including radiation from multiple sources:
“ElectroSmog refers to all man-made electromagnetic radiation created and present in our surrounding environment. Electrosmog has become a major public health concern. If our goal is to create a healthy and safe living or work environment, then we cannot achieve that without preventive measures…” (source)
What are 5G, WCR, EMF and RFR
5G stands for the Fifth Generation of wireless communications radiation, or WCR.
The 5G network locates hundreds of thousands of new cell antennas near homes and schools. These networks incorporate 3G and 4G cell tower frequencies. Exposure is involuntary.
EMFs are electromagnetic frequencies that emit microwave radiation from:
- cell phones
- computers
- Wi-Fi routers
- Bluetooth technology
- microwave ovens
- other smart devices
- electronics — including electric cars!: the imminent wave of the future
Cell towers, on the other hand, emit RFR (radio frequency radiation).
This type of EMF is low in frequency and non-ionizing.
While we used to think RFR was harmless, studies now show us otherwise. Studies now show us that RFR causes genetic damages in both humans and animals. (source)
Symptoms and risks from 5g and EMFs
The most surprising thing for me about my exposure to increased EMFs from the 5G network has been the variety of new symptoms I’ve experienced, rather quickly.
As someone who’s had multiple autoimmune diseases, although they are all in remission, I am more vulnerable. For those who are healthy, “… it may take years of accumulated exposure before the subsequent symptoms become apparent”. (source)
Personally, I experienced these symptoms within minutes or a few days of exposure:
- dizziness or strange head/brain sensations; tingling
- headaches
- emotional sadness
- finger and joint pain
- numbness and weakness
- wrist pain
- sensations up my arm
- neck pain
- stress (various manifestations: both emotional and physical)
Additional symptoms associated with 5G and EMFs are:
- sleep disturbances, including insomnia
- circadian rhythm disturbances
- fatigue
- cellular stress and free radical damage
- organ and bone marrow damage
- DNA damage
- fertility issues
- memory and concentration issues
- neurological conditions
- depression
- infections
- weakened immune system (watch for virus flares after exposure)
- behavioral change/moodiness
- loss of appetite or taste
- restlessness
- nausea
- burning of skin or dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)
- abnormal change in blood pressure
- musculoskeletal/joint pain
- dehydration
- cancer — This is a real risk that has been studied quite a bit, and all of us should take it very seriously. Toward the bottom of this article, be sure to look at tips for protection and detox.
5G and EMF exposure may cause or worsen symptoms associated with:
- cardiac issues
- dementia
- ADHD or autism
How animals are affected by 5G
Briefly, because it’s not directly related to autoimmunity, yet it’s relevant, let’s see how animals are affected by 5G. These facts demonstrate crucial changes and deleterious effects in biological systems.
Firstly, insects that communicate through frequency signals will likely not survive the onset of the 5G network.
With their communication channels disrupted, many species will not be able to adapt and may go extinct, in turn affecting whole ecosystems.
EMFs have been found to alter honeybee behavior, produce biochemical changes and impact bee reproduction. Egg and honey production declined when in close proximity to cell phone towers and when studied experimentally. (source)
While all animals will likely be affected by 5G, small-brained mammals, birds and fish will likely be the most heavily and first affected.
What science and studies say about 5Gs affects on autoimmunity
5G and EMF waves are frequencies that penetrate the body and go into cells’ DNA. These frequencies interfere with and dysregulate the endocrine system and the immune system — both already compromised for those with autoimmune diseases.
In 2020, the National Institute for Health, or NIH, published a study warning:
WCR may: (1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes … that can contribute to hypercoagulation; (2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders. (emphasis mine, source)
5G is more invasive and ubiquitous than the 4G network. Yet, it has been hurried into existence for the purposes of power and profit.
Human health, and the adverse effects on those of us with autoimmune diseases, has not been a point of consideration.
Children are even more vulnerable to EMFs.
How 5G Affects Autoimmune Diseases: Organ function
Up to 2018, you can view here the 1,670 most respected peer-reviewed scientific papers on the effects of electromagnetic fields. This is a widely studied field!
A study from 1977, that was declassified in 2012, shows that millimeter wave radiation caused alterations in internal organs, and thus their ability to function.
For me, my organ function was the first thing my ND worked to improve in helping me to overcome my autoimmune diseases.
Other studies have also shown altered organ function resulting from EMFs.
How 5G Affects Autoimmune Diseases: Hormone function
Among the studies, we also see hormonal changes that don’t only affect fertility but also autoimmunity.
Many autoimmune diseases are affected and caused (in part) by hormonal imbalances. (sources 1, 2, 3, 4)
A 2017 study of 900 pregnant women revealed that miscarriage occurred three times more often when pregnant women were exposed to RFR from cell phones, cell towers and wireless devices.
In 2009, a paper out of Columbia University linked EMFs and stress.
So how do hormone imbalances, EMFs and stress relate?:
“… there is a concrete connection between autoimmune conditions and hormone imbalance … women who are low on the sex hormone DHEA … are more likely to be afflicted by autoimmune conditions … what is it that causes DHEA levels to go down so rapidly? Stress. If stress is not kept in check, autoimmune diseases will continue to rise as well. Sadly, this is not the only connection between autoimmune diseases and hormonal imbalance.” (source)
Various hormonal changes, like those caused by exposure to EMFs, can trigger autoimmunity.
How 5G Affects Autoimmune Diseases: Vitamin D receptors
Cellphone and WiFi communication signals affect vitamin D receptors.
The human vitamin-D receptor is susceptible to EMFs and associated with many chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
How 5G Affects Autoimmune Diseases: Protecting the brain
A case series of 64 patient-reported outcomes subsequent to use of a silver-threaded cap designed to protect the brain and brain stem from microwave found:
Electrosmog resulted in 90 % reporting “definite” or “strong” changes in their disease symptoms. This is much higher than the 3–5 % rate reported for electromagnetic hypersensitivity in a healthy population and suggests that effective control of environmental Electrosmog immunomodulation may soon become necessary for successful therapy of autoimmune disease. (source)
See a link to protective hats in the Tips section below.
How 5G Affects Autoimmune Diseases: Immune suppressing
Radiation’s immunosuppressive properties have been used for years to mitigate rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in humans. (source)
This and many other studies, done on both humans and animals, have shown radiation’s suppression of our body’s immune defenses.
For those of us with autoimmune diseases, where our bodies mistakenly overreact and even attack our own tissues, suppression of the immune system might seem like a good thing.
But, radiation further alters and confuses endocrine systems that are already struggling and disrupts cellular activity.
Removing EMFs can worsen autoimmunity
And yet, can removing exposure to EMFs sometimes worsen symptoms for those with autoimmune diseases? The complicated answer is, yes:
When the Electrosmog in a patient’s environment is reduced, the immune system tends to become more active. This may result in immunopathology. Indeed, some patients have reported a surge in disease symptoms, occasionally an intolerable surge, after WiFi routers and cell phones have been switched off in their homes. Others have reported that travel to a very quiet area, such as a remote canyon, caused a surge in their immune symptoms.
While further research is needed to clarify these reactions, autoimmune patients seem predisposed to Electrosmog hypersensitivity at levels currently existing in typical home and work environments, and this factor may be affecting their therapeutic response. (source)
To me, this is quite logical. The 5G network suppresses the immune system. This may reduce autoimmune symptoms for some people, while still causing new dysfunction. When the EMFs are removed, the autoimmunity spikes again.
Of course, this risk is not a reason to be exposed to EMFs. Rather, some patients may need to carefully reduce their exposure to radiation to mitigate symptoms.
And always: make dietary and lifestyle choices to manage disease and reduce flares.
How to protect yourself from 5G and EMFs
1. Grounding — The single most important thing to do when exposed to regular 5G radiation is: practice grounding, also called earthing. Amazingly, the earth’s negative ions are MORE POWERFUL than the 5G network.
While it’s inconvenient to ground during cold weather, it’s actually also VERY LIFE GIVING. I have never regretted grounding, ever! No matter how reticent I am to go outside, I am always rewarded.
Grounding always affects my mood, as well as my overall health:
- After grounding, I come into the house feeling joyful and happy!
- My 5G-induced joint pain goes away or is significantly decreased after grounding.
- No headache or other brain symptoms.
Yes, I work on my computer outside for the least effects from 5G radiation, even in winter!:
- Make sure your “trunk” or core is warm; then cold feet are not a problem.
- Wear a hat, super warm jacket, and put a blanket under you for insulation.
- Use a small pillow and Defender Pad on your lap.
- If your ground is snowy or frozen, pour a pot of very hot water where you intend to place your feet.
I can work outside like this for about 1-1/2 hours before my hands or my feet get too cold.
2. Zeolite that’s nano-particle — Zeolite is a natural alkaline crystal mineral that is the best way to detox radiation, heavy metals and chemicals. After a lot of research, I found the best nano-particle zeolite spray. It crosses the blood-brain barrier and detoxes radiation. Several of my clients use the spray, as does everyone in our household. You can only order it through a distributor, so I became one. You can use my link if you decide to try it. If you’re going to detox a family, I learned the hard way: save money by choosing the 3-pack. Otherwise, one bottle is enough for an individual. This product is called TRS, and of all the few and well-chosen supplements I take, it’s my favorite. (Find TRS here.)
I also spray it directly on my skin, burns, any areas that need healing.
If you have any questions why this is the best brand, please feel free to ask in the Comments section below. It’s too much to go into here, but I did a lot of research to choose this one. (Side note: Amazing testimonies with this product for increasing brain activity, speech and healing for autistic children.)
Another similar approach is to drink bentonite clay. The millions of pores in bentonite clay draw in radioactive contaminants.
3. Change of lifestyle — Most of you won’t do this until you have to, and I understand.
- Begin gradually using your phone and devices less. When I did this, which seemed impossible because I work from my computer, I was surprised by two things: 1) how much joy I felt in my home doing other things and 2) how I could be more efficient on my devices if I knew I had to be.
- Understand that the more time you spend on your devices, the more time you are exposing yourself to cancer-causing energy. This is just true. It’s very unpleasant, and I don’t typically write such strong words, because I prefer to be uplifting. But radiation makes us sick, and it is emanating out of our phones, computers and other devices. For those of us with prior health issues especially, it’s time to make some changes.
- In addition to cancer, remember: we are going for improved organ function and improved cellular communication and energy. EMFs encourage the opposite in our bodies.
- As I mention above, if you must be on your devices a lot for work, compensate by grounding and using the tools listed below.
- Which car to drive and how to protect yourself: Electric cars have a large battery which emits EMF radiation. But all new cars have WiFi hotspots, Bluetooth and electric controls that also emit EMF radiation. Additionally, all cars with metal frames trap and magnify the sources of radiation inside the car.
- The best approach to these challenges is actually to own an older car without these supposed advancements. Or, turn them off while you’re driving.
- Use a wired connection to play music in your car instead of using wireless transmission via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
- Put your phone in airplane mode while driving to reduce exposure to EMF radiation.
- Use EMF protective guards (like this one) in your car to neutralize the effects of the EMF generated inside your car.
Protective devices for the home
I’m going to list several general use protective devices from which to choose. I actually use or have used most of these!:
- Most importantly: Read The Best EMF Protection — Better than EMF blocking, this new technology is what I do now, and it’s made the biggest difference in putting symptoms behind me.
- Low EMF Router (here) — We are in the process of installing this in our own home. Reduces EMFs in the home by 90%!
- Grounding pad, sheets and pillowcases. We have the sheets, and they noticeably helped me to sleep and recover after my initial days of heightened 5G exposure. (Find all of these products here.)
- Defender Pad and Gloves (here) — Use the pad under your laptop. This was the first tool I purchased years ago, and it’s still working today. Choose gloves to protect your hands if you know you’re sensitive or for long periods of time on your keyboard, phone or other device. (I wear mine when I can’t use a separate wired keyboard, while also grounding.)
- Cover all your devices: iPhone case, Tablet and iPad. (Find all of these products here.)
- Earbud headphones (found here) — I have and love these. Use your speaker phone or this earpiece option to keep the phone away from your brain and body.
- EMF Radiation Protection Sleep Mask, Blanket and Hats all found here.
- Crystals — Crystals create grids of energy that act like a shield to EMFs. Read about which crystals are best and how to use them here.
- Paints and fabrics — Use these with caution: When you bring a Wi-Fi or 5G device into a shielded area, amplification or reflection from shielding devices may occur.
- Lastly, here’s a good EMF meter to test the EMFs in your home and car. This gadget allows you to assess, make needed changes to your environment, measure and have peace of mind.
Alternatives to 5G
Are there alternatives to 5G in our fast moving world that insists on progress? Fiber optic technology is expensive, but it seems to be the best alternative at this time.
Living remotely also means less exposure to the 5G network of towers and antennas.
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Kathy says
Good morning,
This is a well done article. Thank you….Have you had success with any of the items that you put around your neck for stopping the 5g issues? Do you live in area where you get snow? We just had over a foot of snow dumped on us. Grounding would be difficult for me but wish I could. We also live on land that had 75 feet of sand dumped onto it and a small amont of soil on top.I do have real wood floors…as in pine floors…Not the stuff you buy in plank form. But real lumber that you go and buy in 12 ft long boards … I love walking barefoot all day on it. Oh just for your info. I wrapped my phone with a piece of tin foil and then had someone text me and voila no signal was to be found. That is a good short term fix.
Lerae says
What about a router guard? Vs buying a new router?
Megan says
Yes, this one has gotten good reviews, and this is a good option. Router guards work well. They can reduce range by up to 30% but work well, reducing radiation output by about 90-95%, and the range won’t be an issue in smaller homes.
Megan says
Hi Kathy, thank you! My dear friend, Wardee Harmon, has used the jewelry that helps with EMF protection, and she feels strongly that it’s helpful (she has measured the EMFs with and without its use). You can find one brand of these items here.
Here are a few other options, too, for you or other readers: 1. https://www.shopqlink.com/
2. https://amzn.to/3ANSyPv 3. https://amzn.to/3gcAW6E 4. https://amzn.to/3odlbQW
I have only used a crystal around my neck but haven’t yet measured it to see if it’s actually helping, although I can update this when I do; it was just something I already had from years ago. Other similar items I have not yet tried, although I like the idea of them. Right now, I have a protective blanket over my chest as I type. Regarding snow, I hear you: one foot of fresh snow is a hard one. I do not have that. If you are very determined, I think it’s doable to dig out a spot, pour on hot water, and then wrap the upper portion of your feet in a warmed rice bag (or a few). It’s a lot of work, and the neighbors will really wonder 😉 but it would be a fun adventure, and would probably be wonderful! But… I know it’s hard. The tingling I get in my hand and arm are enough to motivate me, but if I didn’t have those new sensations, I’d be less motivated. Thanks for sharing about the tin foil, great tip! I love hearing of thrifty and inexpensive ways to help the issue. I also read about people using colanders over their smart meters.
Jim Rotholz says
This article is the best synopsis of electrosmog and the dangers is it poses of any I’ve ever read. The links, references, and personal experience of the author move the issue of radiation dangers away from an obscure abstraction and makes it both informative and practical.
Megan says
Thank you so much, Jim. That encourages and blesses me! 🙂
Lerae says
Great article! I’m over 60-70% bed bound with low immunity from Lyme disease. So I use my laptop a lot. I used to have some of these devices but since discarded them after a move. I’m getting the router asap! & ore ordering the zeolite. My body does not do well with grounding sheets… even placing the copper rod outside my window. It becomes too excited & I never can sleep. My good friend uses a grounding wire for his car. Needles to say, many people let him know “something is hanging off his car”.
This all is so very frustrating & daunting, but at least there are gadgets to decrease exposure.
What are your thoughts on older hybrids? Toyota Priuses?
Megan says
Hi Lerae, thanks for writing, and I’m glad the article is helpful. I’m sorry to hear about your health struggles and hope you find increasing wellness. I’m glad the router and TRS will be new helpful additions for you! Regarding older hybrids, they do have large batteries that emit EMFs, but from what I’ve read, they vary quite a bit car to car, model to model, so the only way to really be sure is to test the vehicle in question. In general, the batteries in hybrids are much larger and placed closer to where people sit than in vehicles fueled by gas. These batteries also require more electronic wiring throughout the entire car. But, I have read about an older Prius testing lower than a Chevy Volt, which tested high in EMFs. So, testing is needed to be sure.
John says
I wonder if the Zeolite product would help in detoxing the nano particles in the mR.. va…eenes?
Megan says
Hi John, good question. TRS can not remove genetic material of any sort from the sh[]t. It can remove chemicals and metals but not foreign DNA. So the one sh[]t brand you refer to, it can not remove that ingredient. The other sh[]t brands and damage from those, there are many testimonies of this, yes.
Margaret says
Do you know the ingredients in the TRS spray?
Megan says
Dorothy says
This is all good to know. I had no idea that the 5G services were just turned on until I read this. My husband and I both have autoimmune issues, as do other family members. So this might partially explain symptoms he was having and increased tension in our home. Thank you for making us aware and for doing the research. I didn’t find the link for sheets and pillowcases to work; however, it goes to some of the other products.
Megan says
Hi Dorothy, I’m so glad the article is helpful and sheds light. Thank you for letting me know that I included the wrong link in that spot! I updated it just now, and here it is, too, if it’s helpful: https://amzn.to/3HjXM85 🙂
Dorothy says
Thank you Megan! I’ll look that up. Thankfully, we do have some emf protective devices in place, such as Aires tech radiation protective devices on phones and some electronic appliances(these are on sale for a few more hours), and Defender Sheild cases on our phones.
I’m amazed that you’re able to ground even in the winter in Oregon. I’m on a warmer climate, so knowing you do that what challenge me to do the same. At least parasites in the soil are probably dormant. 🙂
Megan says
Your warmer climate brings a smile to my face, sounds lovely!!