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The thyroid’s chief role in the endocrine system is to regulate the metabolism. This is why those with hypothyroidism, or a sluggish thyroid, tend to struggle with weight gain and/or low energy levels. Yet our bodies’ ability to break down food and turn it into energy can be supported with well-chosen supplements.
That’s the purpose of this post. Which supplements aid the thyroid in its production of the hormones T4 and T3, help to convert T4 to the more active T3, and work to protect the thyroid?
Here’s Part 2 of this article, which together comprise a complete look at the key supplements recommended by leading functional practitioners who specialize in thyroid disorders.
A comprehensive guide to thyroid supplements
The breadth of this topic is huge. I’ve spent countless hours researching the topic, which has had great benefits for my own health, and hopefully yours too! I’ve actually had a couple of breakthroughs from new supplements since I began this series! May this series begin your process of discovery, too, and an improvement of symptoms!
Please always keep in mind, too, when assisting your body in thyroid support, to keep stress low. I like the words of one Hashimoto’s practitioner who said, “We have so much physiologic stress that added emotional stress is incredibly destructive.” (source and source)
Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps our bodies to detoxify. It supports liver function, destroys free radicals, and even heals damage caused by heavy metals. Glutathione also calms an overactive autoimmune response.
Depletion of glutathione can occur due to stress and from a compromised ability to methylate (or detoxify) properly. Many of the supplements practitioners recommend to ensure proper glutathione synthesis are already recommended for general thyroid support: B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin C and E (and lipoic acid). And I’ve discussed before the helpful nature of N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC), which is a precursor to glutathione production.
This glutathione supplement is the one I found after researching the effectiveness of glutathione taken orally. Glutathione also helps to provide energy and mental clarity and to regulate the metabolism.
Fatty Fish
While I once would have taken a supplement to amend my essential fatty acid (EFA) intake, I’m now intentional to turn to whole foods.
Essential fatty acids help to prevent and reduce inflammation caused by an overactive immune response. The best source for EFAs is fatty fish. Despite the increased cost to our grocery bill, I now stop at the fish market twice a week. Certainly well-sourced frozen fish is a good option, too, and more economical.
Chris Kresser, functional medical doctor, says this:
If you are generally healthy, the best strategy is to consume about 12 to 16 ounces of cold-water fatty fish or shellfish each week. When possible, whole foods are always my first recommendation…fish and shellfish contain many other beneficial nutrients that fish oil does not, including selenium, zinc, iron, and highly absorbable protein. (source)
We can also be mindful of our overall diet, taking care that it’s not only high in omega-3s but low in omega-6s. This means buying grass-fed meat, dairy and eggs.
For some it might mean eating less chicken breast and instead eating more chicken thigh and skin. But most importantly, it means cutting out refined and processed foods, and using traditional fats like lard, butter, coconut oil and extra-virgin olive oil, instead of vegetable fats. A gradual increase in consumption of essential fatty acids helps to balance the immune response.
Alan L. Rubin, MD, author of Thyroid for Dummies, says, “Thyroid hormone is required for the muscles of the stomach and intestines to push food along for digestion and excretion. When an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone is present, intestinal movement slows, as well as the absorption of food. The common complaint is constipation.”
Thyroid hormone is also required for proper liver function (think detoxification) and for the liver to produce enough bile. Not surprisingly, those with Hashimoto’s often do not digest their food well, do not absorb nutrients fully, do not detoxify properly and suffer from constipation. This may contribute to decreased energy and inflammation.
I have found three supplements to be more important than any others when overcoming constipation. They are two prebiotics and magnesium citrate. I take 4 magnesium supplements nightly (although it’s best to start with fewer and increase as needed), and the prebiotics each morning, 1 capsule of each.
Prebiotic number one is Biotagen by Klaire Labs. The second prebiotic is Galactomune by Klaire Labs. Both products are designed to promote a healthier colon ecosystem by providing food for probiotics, which in turn produce more T cells! I LOVE how these two prebiotics make my body feel and work more effectively.
Even for those thyroid patients who do not have issues of constipation, magnesium is a key mineral required for proper thyroid function. Magnesium aids in the absorption of iodine, improves thyroid hormone production and improves circulation.
If you do not suffer from constipation, compounded magnesium glycinate is the best choice.
Hypothyroidism causes the body to lose potassium, which can cause body weakness, spasms, pain and even IBS symptoms. When thyroid function is restored, potassium levels return.
Having both the serum and RBC lab tests done with your doctor will help you to know if your levels are either too high or too low.
Potassium helps to usher sodium into cells and can also help to relieve constipation. Supplementing with potassium is not necessary for many Hashimoto’s patients; yet some find it to be the key they were missing to feeling well. (source and source)
Zinc aids in the conversion of T4 to T3, and its absence has been linked with poor T3 conversion. Zinc is anti-inflammatory, reduces antibodies and boosts the immune system.
30 mg is the recommended daily dosage.
Hypothyroid patients are also often low in Vitamin B12. (source) Low B12 can cause low stomach acid, which leads to poor nutrient absorption.
Vitamin B12 supplementation often improves energy levels and mental cognition.
Personally, I give myself weekly injections of B12, which my doctor taught me how to do. Ask your doctor if sublingual supplements (Methylcobalamin) or injections are best for your body.
Additionally, I take:
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
- Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
- Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
- Vitamin B9 (Folate)
I now avoid B complexes, partially because B6 is linked to neurotoxicity. (1, 2) Ask your practitioner about the above B vitamins for you.
Vitamin D3 + K2
Low Vitamin D3 levels are associated with hypothyroidism. But they can also worsen the condition. (source)
Vitamin D3 helps to regulate T cells and is anti-inflammatory. D3 requires the co-factor K2 to support calcium regulation and prevent D3 toxicity. (source)
Here’s one supplement to consider.
Aiming for a range of around 40 to 50 ng/ml, check with your doctor to determine both short and long-term dosage. (source)
Saccharomyces boulardii
Finally, Saccharomyces boulardii.
Saccharomyces boulardii is a a soil-based probiotic that protects against pathogens, as well as infections such as H. pylori, which can be causal to Hashimoto’s.
Saccharomyces boulardii has also been linked to these benefits:
- improves thyroid function
- directs T cells to support thyroid function
- reduces inflammation
- aids gut conversion of T4 to T3
You can find quality affordable Saccharomyces boulardii here.
Renee Kohley says
I take everything but that first one – I have gone through a bottle of NAC before but after reading this I’d like to try that compound! Thanks! The mag/potassium addition took me from daily debilitating panic attacks to zero of them – it was truly life changing for me!
Megan Stevens says
Wonderful, Renee!! Thank you for sharing!
Valerie Jones says
Do the b vitamins interfere with your sleep?
On days when I take them , I don’t sleep as well. Yet I know I need it for my hypothyroidism.
Megan says
I always take B vitamins in the morning. This is what’s recommended for the reason you share. But I’m sorry if you already take them in the morning and they still bother your sleep? If so, you might consider adding in potassium; it’s been a huge help to me in the area of sleep.
Carol @studiobotanica says
Thanks for your comprehensive research! I am very interested in thyroid health, personally and professionally. Here’s to our health!!
Megan Stevens says
I’m glad the post was helpful! 🙂
Carol @studiobotanica says
Well.. I did contact the company and it looks like they do post to Canada.. it just costs $$$!
Kelsey Steffen says
This is such helpful information! The best part is…these supplements are so fantastic even with a HEALTHY thyroid, so it’s good info all around!
Megan Stevens says
Good point, Kelsey! Thanks.
Raia Torn says
Thanks for this list, Megan! So helpful! I’m suuuuper bad at taking supplements (forgetful), but I try to regularly-ish take magnesium and liver pills. I’m pretty sure I’m magnesium and vitamin A deficient, since everything I crave has magnesium and/or vitamin A in it.
Megan Stevens says
LOL, sounds like a good diagnostic tool! Do I sense chocolate is being implied? 😉 I can’t forget my supplements, because I don’t feel well without them, unless I’m in the Bahamas, and then I feel great. 😉
Raia Torn says
Haha. Of course! It’s my favorite super-food. :p I’ve recently been noticing a difference when I don’t take supplements, as well. I went through a month of taking tinctures for adrenal fatigue (I had it really badly), and now that I’ve been off for a while, I can feel it coming back. Time to add the tinctures back to my daily schedule (whatever that is…)!
Back To The Book Nutrition says
Great list! I take cod liver oil (Green Pasture) and magnesium, but some of these others are great ones as well!
Megan Stevens says
Thanks for sharing!
linda spiker says
I never knew that potassium levels and the thyroid were connected…good to know since I am still on that dang water pill…
Megan Stevens says
Oh yes, sorry, Linda! I was on a water pill for years for dizziness…So many health mysteries to research. I’m sure you will find the next better thing when the time is right.
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish says
Megan, I just LOVE your wellness and health posts so much. I always learn so much from you! This is going to be such a helpful resource for so many. I really love that you mention keeping things low stress, that makes so much sense.
Megan Stevens says
Thank you, Emily!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I sure notice a difference in my own health with the stress issue! I love that more and more doctors see and educate their patients about the mind body connection. <3
christy says
I take quite a few supplements and I think I have finally found what is needed to maintain health in addition to keeping stress low. I’m not sure about the first one you recommended. That is quite a steep price for 60 tablest
cod liver
beef liver
coconut oil
vitamin d
vitamin c and zinc
evening primrose oil
Benedicta says
Thanks for the info but how do i manage insomina from taking
Megan says
It would be great to find a functional medical doctor. I’m not in a position to recommend a certain course of treatment or medication guidelines for you. Best wishes!
Dorena says
Hello, is there one supplement I can get that has all the above listed in your article?
I would prefer to take one pill , not several on a daily basis
Megan says
Oh Dorena, me too!! That would be lovely. No, I’m afraid not! 😉
Michelle says
Hi Megan! You are a wealth of information! ; ) I am hypothyroid too. I’ve been on Armor thyroid for years and would love to get off and go with something natural that I can control.
Were you on thyroid medication, and then got off and used what you’ve listed here by chance?
Or did you find out you were hypothyroid, and then did what you mention here without ever touching the medication ?
Laura Neal says
Hello, has Part 2 been published?
Thank You
Megan says
Hi Laura, yes, it’s here: https://eatbeautiful.net/comprehensive-guide-thyroid-supplements-part-2/