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I learned this Best Home Remedy for Vaginal Yeast Infections because I had the worst long-term yeast infection myself. This gave me the chance to try many natural and over the counter remedies. Over time, I figured out an amazing 3-step process that fully resolved the overgrowth.
This three-step process for resolving chronic vaginal yeast infections uses: essential oils, diet and probiotics.
Some of you are feeling pretty badly as you read this and wondering how to get rid of a yeast infection in 24 hours. From personal experience, this is the closest remedy of that nature — that will also have lasting results.
While many over-the-counter products can help temporarily, others don’t at all.
This remedy for yeast infections is designed to address the cause as well as provide a solution.
My story
I’m sorry to say that having suffered from candida overgrowth in and on so many parts of my body, vaginal yeast infections are no exception. I have seen many medical doctors and naturopaths for this condition and have tried all of their suggestions.
In the end, I am pleased that some good can come of my suffering; I can now share with you what finally worked for me, truly the best home remedy for yeast infections.
(And in this post on rashes, I share what worked to relieve my husband’s jock itch.)
Several of the other remedies I tried worked a little, or helped briefly; but this remedy is the only one I’ve found to actually remove the horribly itchy symptoms of vaginal yeast infections forever.
Further down in this article, I also talk about thrush and rectal itching. We’ll leave no stone unturned!
Anti-Candida diet and herbs yeast infections
Firstly, the patient must be willing to adopt an anti-candida diet for this to work, a grain-free version. I used the GAPS diet in conjunction with the anti-candida diet.
In a nutshell, this means eliminating the following foods from the diet: grains, all sugar, including honey, all fruit, dairy, alcohol, starches like potatoes and sweet potatoes, mushrooms, legumes and even vegetables with fructose, like beets and carrots.
Among the few things that are effective to resolve candida overgrowth in the form of vaginal yeast infections, rectal itching, and thrush on one’s nipples or other parts of the skin, the most exciting thing about the remedies I’m sharing today is that they are all based in nature.
I have learned that we must fight nature with nature.
While antibiotics can be unproductive and cause more pain, this approach rotates herbal remedies; otherwise the yeasts and funguses can morph and remain one step ahead of the fight.
How to resolve vaginal yeast infections at home
STEP 1 — Have you ever heard of a sponge tampon?* Many years ago I finally dared to try them, loved them and then in turn, found an additional use for them.
Tea tree oil is an essential oil and is used as maintenance, to keep the sponges safe and free of bacteria. It can also be used after your initial purchase of new sponges (here’s the most affordable source), to sanitize them.
When dealing with a yeast infection, you also make use of essential oils with the sponge, in this case clove and lemongrass essential oils.
I got this idea from Donna Gates, the creator of The Body Ecology Diet and a woman who has helped many with pathogen overgrowth and with introducing fermenting veggies as a wellness food.
Here’s my adaptation of the recipe she gave to use with a normal tampon; I use and prefer the sea sponge:
Ingredients in the Best Home Remedy for Yeast Infections
2 T. carrier oil, extra-virgin olive oil, castor oil or coconut oil are all great choices
15 drops clove OR lemongrass oil
Instructions for the Remedy for Vaginal Yeast Infections
- In a small bowl with a lid, stir together the two oils: carrier oil + 1 essential oil.
- Moisten your sea sponge completely first with non-chlorinated water and squeeze out any extra.
- Place your sea sponge 1/2 way into the oil and squeeze out a small amount of excess, so it is not dripping oil.
- Your fingers will be holding the side of the sponge that is moist with water. The other half will be wet with oil; this will be the side to insert first.
- Insert the sponge by pushing it up inside your vagina, as you would a tampon.
- Line your undies with a thin panty-liner.
- Replace the lid on your little bowl as you can use this oil dip on any freshly cleaned sponge or new tampon. Up to four fresh applications daily are appropriate. Sleeping “in the sponge” is great too.
- Note — It may sting! The first time I did this technique the stinging lasted a full 15 minutes and I got “die-off;” it was actually an amazing experience to know the process was working all too well. I crashed on my tummy on our bed, a major nap in the middle of the day, as a huge colony of pathogens were killed. The stinging varied in its intensity after this first time, but definitely decreased over time. I also got used to the sensation and didn’t mind it.In contrast, there are products like boric acid, that my gynecologist once recommended, that ate away at my skin over time. The essential oils in a base of carrier oil caused some stinging but were always gentle with my skin. Used over time, they never thinned or injured the skin in any way.
- Note — Alternate the oils, 4 days of one, then 4 days of the other. (So you will have two little bowls: one of clove + carrier oil, and one of lemongrass + carrier oil.) This keeps the pathogens from figuring out how to morph.
STEP 2 — As with any battle against pathogens, they must first be killed and then secondly, the environment must be recolonized with “good flora.”
This is the same reason that we eat fermented veggies and all probiotic-rich foods. We must keep the friendly probiotics in our systems continually to prevent the invasive pathogens from overgrowing.
There is a wonderful probiotic called Metagenics – Ultra Flora IB. It is the ideal flora with which to repopulate your vagina.
The probiotic comes in a pill form that does not dissolve easily; so here’s what to do:
- Buy gelatin capsules
- To save money, make 3 gelatin capsules for every one IB Flora capsule. That’s right; each gelatin capsule will only contain 1/3 of the powder that the original IB Flora capsule contained. But it will be enough! I just pack the pills as I need them; but feel free to sit down one day and make a bunch so they’re ready when you need them.* Keep them in the refrigerator.
- Spend up to two weeks, or as little as three days, depending on the severity of your yeast infection, using just the essential oil sponge, the killing process! Use the sponge 24 hours a day, so that pathogens are being killed constantly and they never have a chance to repopulate.
- When you feel symptom-free and sense that you have defeated the foe, it is time to introduce the new colony of good guys.
- Line your undies with a thin panty-liner. Place one gelatin capsule inside your vagina, suppository style, and continue to put new pills in 1 to 2 times every 24 hours, so one in the morning and one at night.
- Do this every day until you can take a break and remain symptom-free.
- Once you’re well, after intercourse or during times in your cycle when you’re producing more cervical fluid, use the probiotic suppository pills again, as a preventative measure; the moist environment can be a great invitation for the invasive pathogens to return. They do not stand a chance if you keep the good flora there first.
- Remember to keep a no-sugar diet. If you feel healthy and well and want to enjoy honey and other treats, just be on your guard and ready to use a suppository at the first sign of itching.
- Buy gelatin capsules
Rectal itching and thrush on nipples
I mentioned above rectal itching and thrush on one’s nipples. For these symptoms, the best remedies are: the dietary recommendations already mentioned and “painting” the itchy areas with whey.
Whey will rise from the surface of a really good quality plain yogurt or all natural sour cream, such as Nancy’s brand.
If you take out a spoonful or more of the solid yogurt from the container, several hours later whey will have pooled in the spot. It is full of probiotics.
(Clove and lemongrass essential oils mixed with a carrier oil may be a good step as well; but I have never needed to use them in these areas; and I can’t tell you ahead of time how much they may or may not sting.)
Internal pathogen overgrowth
You may also refer to Part 2 of this article, which discusses another key element in eradicating yeast overgrowth — internal overgrowth in the GI tract.
For any topical skin overgrowth or unknown rashes, see this article.
The Anti-Candida Diet for yeast infections
If you are feasting your pathogens on sugar, they will keep repopulating.
Even if you kill them locally they will be systemic and keep returning.
On an anti-candida diet do not eat: sugar, grains, peanut butter or mushrooms. If the case is really stubborn, do not eat: carrots or beets, fruit or dried fruit, honey or maple syrup, dairy to start … and then only dairy that is fully cultured, full of live and active cultures and lactose-free.
But you can have xylitol, preferably North American grown and hardwood-derived, such as Global Sweet brand; and you can have stevia.
Paleo and GAPS diets can be good guides for starting this diet lifestyle.
Moon sponges or tampons
By the way, here’s a quick blurb about sponge tampons from one company, Moon Times, that makes and distributes them,
Moon Sponges are completely natural sea sponge tampons containing no synthetic fibres. The environmentally friendly and comfortable alternative to ‘disposable’ tampons! Women have used sponges as tampons for thousands of years! Sustainably harvested and reusable for up to 12 months, sponge tampons are economical, easy to use, and earth friendly. For your health and comfort, for the planet, for a change!*
NOTE: Moon Sponges come in 3 sizes – small for light flow days, young women or pre birth, medium/normal – our usual size sponges and large for women with heavy flow, prolapses and for the months after childbirth when conventional tampons and menstrual cups may not feel as comfortable! We recommend using Tea Tree Oil to disinfect your sponge tampons . It is a gentle, safe, and natural antiseptic. Tea Tree Oil is an effective germicide and has been proven to inhibit up to 60 strains of bacteria, including s. aureus. It will also eliminate any odour on your sponge. Use a solution of 1 or 2 drops of tea tree oil and 1 cup warm water.
*For those who don’t want to mess with filling their own capsules, here’s a handy gadget + 1000 gelatin capsules: Capsule Filler Kit
Susan Finney says
Great post! Well explained.
Alicia says
Very informative post! Thank you for the great info. I am currently using this method to cure my yeast infection. Using the sponges with the above mentioned e.o. calmed the burn immediatley and provides a fresh feeling. There is a learning curve and you must be comfortable with your body to use the sponges. I sure wish I would have known about them while I was still menstrating! I am wondering how many days it will take to clear up the infection and if its normal to have some blood when removing the sponge?
Megan Stevens says
Hi Alicia, thanks for commenting. I have had one other reader say that they had some blood. If you have any concern or if it increases, then it seems wise to consult a naturopathic or functional doctor. I did not have bleeding; and the Body Ecology Diet did not mention this either. So just be cautious. If it were me, I would feel comfortable with some small amount of blood, knowing the area doesn’t have a good, intact lining as it should. I’m so glad that the process is bringing and has already provided relief!! Regarding the time frame, I think a bad yeast infection can take 10 days to 2 weeks, with using the sponges morning and night, as the article describes. And then immediately I would start the probiotics and keep on with those until you’re sure you’re well. As you know, I’m not a practitioner; so I’m sharing what I did and found helpful. Sending well wishes and so glad you’re seeing improvement!! Also, as always, make sure that you’re not eating grains or sugar etc. 🙂
Anne E. Stogner says
Hi Megan, I am 14 weeks pregnant and have had a chronic yeast problem lasting through 3 other pregnancies plus UTI trouble before that. I am really feeling ready to make changes but I’m also waiting for my husband’s support as I’ll certainly need his help and he is unsure of how drastically I need to change my daily living. I have attempted to study up on the different healing diets, particularly GAPS. I read about the Body Ecology Diet somewhat (though I was admittedly skeptical of her website due to the sales pushes) and I read that her diet is supposed to be safe during pregnancy. I would like to jump in on your advice but wonder if the process you outlined would be too harsh for pregnancy.
Megan Stevens says
Hi Anne. One thing I love about the GAPS Diet book written by Dr. Natasha is that she gives some guidelines about how to do GAPS while pregnant. The only thing I wish I’d done better with my 3rd pregnancy, which found me in similar shoes as yours, was to coat my newborn baby in probiotics. (There are various ways to do this.) Because that babe will be inoculated at birth with your flora. If you are deficient, then that babe will be too, and we want that babe to come into this world with as much floral diversity as possible. I hesitate to mention my consulting because of your understandable comment about the Body Ecology website and its products. But please know that if you wish to I can consult with you more via Skype or phone. For the most part, I’d say “go for it” in regard to changing your diet and pray your hubby gets on board. You can also do a modified Paleo diet. The main thing is to work toward a healthy gut and gut ecosystem. I do think you need a practitioner to help you know what’s okay in your vagina, as far as the suppositories and the EOs. Most are not educated in this arena, but I would not do the EOs close to baby without a doctor’s blessing, yet something similar may be safe. Hugs and blessings!
Anne E. Stogner says
Thank you for your quick response, Megan! I was very excited to read your article because what you described in your own experience sounds most like mine than any other articles I’ve read from others. But I will be patient to use essential oils or suppositories until I have more personal care. We are currently in a midwife-interview process and I’m hoping she will have some background of knowledge on treating a chronic yeast overgrowth during pregnancy. In the meantime, like you said, I will focus on gut flora (particularly with new to my diet broths and soon fermented veggies (still haven’t made my first batch)).
Megan Stevens says
You’re welcome! I forgot to mention that probiotic suppositories are likely safe! I would do them myself, so that’s something the midwife may more readily agree about and give you the thumbs up on during pregnancy. Nothing fights bad flora like good flora. 🙂
Anne E. Stogner says
Thanks! Yes, I did start doing that per the instructions in GAPS book. This may seem be a bad question, but between yeast trouble and pregnancy, I am not totally sure of when I am healed from yeast overgrowth, so could you give some particular signs you look for for being back to healthy. The only thing that seems obvious anymore is the lack of itchiness, but I still seem on the border, if you know what I mean.
Megan Stevens says
When I say suppositories, I mean using the gelatin capsules in the actual vagina. Just want to make sure we’re on the same page with that? Because I don’t remember the GAPS book discussing this remedy? Does she? If you still feel borderline, I’d keep doing the suppositories until you feel symptom-free (NO itching) for 2 weeks. There aren’t really other signs for a vagina yeast infection. For general gut pathogen overgrowth, it’s part of the whole package of being well- digesting food well, rashes going away, all other symptoms going away etc. Does that answer your question? Not sure if I got at the heart of it?
Lauren says
You talk about using a sponge, can I use this with a tampon?
Megan Stevens says
Yes, but it may not work as well because a tampon will absorb the oil more, instead of keeping it on the outside and thus allowing the oils to touch the body. You can try it and see how effective it is. I would just use a bit more oil.
Destinee says
I feel so overwhelmed when I research the anti Candida diet. My body is so sick and I constantly feel awful, I know what I need to do but I don’t know where to start! I commend you for your lifestyle!
Megan Stevens says
Hi Destinee, sorry for the delay in responding. I’m sorry for your overwhelm! I pray you’ll get the point when you know you’re ready! xo
Tiffany says
What were your symptoms when you experienced a thinning of the vaginal lining from the boric acid suppositories? That has been my go-to, and the last week it has seemed to make my symptoms so much worse! Increased itching, lots of discharge, etc. are what I am experiencing as a result (but assume it is also due to a yeast infection which i was hoping it would take care of instead of exacerbating the symptoms).
C-H says
I’m wondering if Tea Tree oil would also work with a carrier oil on the sea sponge? If so, what dilution would you recommend?
Megan says
I feel like inside the vagina it would be too strong. I don’t know for sure, but I think it is worth buying one of the other ones instead.